Local Ghanaian dish

This a local Ghanaian dish called ‘Ampesi’. The yellow pieces in the bowl is cooked plantain locally called ‘boode3’. Ampesi or plantain dish can be eaten with any preferred stew, but here, it is served with spicy tomato stew with some whisked eggs shallow-fried in vegetable oil. It can be complemented with avocado pear and it’s mostly eaten by the Akan tribe in Ghana.


I like the combination of your meals. I am a big fan of Avocados.

keep it up @i_cando_everything

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cool the greenish yellow fruit in the white container looks more like Avacado pear than Papaya (pawpaw)

ideal for health conscious LGs

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Hi @i_cando_everything thanks so much for this post. The food looks tasty. Does it serve at lunch or dinner, ?

Thanks :blush:

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Good to know! Avocados are good. :blush:

Oh yea that’s what I meant to write hahaha. Thanks for the eagle eye!

Hi @OSAMA_1 you can have it for either lunch or dinner. Some even eat it in the late mornings :blush:

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