Local connect

Hi everyone my name is hossam omer iam in love with Google and I love to share everything with all and I found my self in this big community and it’s a hobby that I make with google and its a pleasure to work with Google.


Hi everyone my name is hossam omer iam in love with Google and I am very excited to be able to helping out and get some more information about the position and I look forward to hearing from the future and hope to be one of the great world of Google


Hi @Hossamomer ,

Thank you for sharing with us.

You may be new to Connect or writing to share a post for your Connect Live application. If you’re applying to Connect Live 2020 be sure to share a link to a new Connect post responding to this year’s application prompt. You can find everything you need to know about writing a post for Connect Live 2020 here.

Feel free to have a look at 14 helpful tips for using Connect for more information about the Local Guides program.

P.S. I have merge your two posts, because the contained the same text and relabeled them to Local Stories, because the criteria for the Connect Live 2020 applications is to post your content there.