Local Art Exhibition in Khobar, Saudi Arabia

During the recent Saudi Arabia’s national day, a spectacular event was held to highlight the region’s native talents, specifically promoting the artists involve in handmade artifacts, paintings and designs. For this event, an old central vegetable market was chosen as the site, and the entire space was extensively renovated to resemble a giant art piece of painting. The event was free and open to the public, with the goal of highlighting and exhibiting the potential of local artists as well as stimulating creativity, inspiring minds, and empowering talent within the local community through the arts.

The whole market space was renovated in an elegant design, with public lounging places, art and music spaces, an area for artists, food carts, and other displays. The full cost of the makeover was borne by local cultural organizations as part of the cultural center’s initiatives and was donated to the community to stimulate creativity and support local artists, as well as to encourage youngsters and families to return to the site in its new outfit.


Hey @fasi6083 was this just an exhibition or the sell also? Usually both are mutually exclusive.

Did you get to buy anything? What were the costs like? Any difference in the price from what you might get in malls or shops?


Thank you for your comment @Smita_Patil the majority of the artists were exhibiting their artwork, I didn’t see them selling anything or any price tags on the work of art, but they were handing out business cards to passers-by.

Another exhibition was held in the right next hall, where local farmers displayed their agriculture produce and visitors purchased agricultural items from them.