Living on the Map; Connect Live 2020

Dear whoever is reading this

Before you continue…

Pause. Just for a moment.

Think about your fondest memory. I hope that’s puts a smile on your face :slightly_smiling_face:

So, let’s continue and talk about the local guides program and me / us.

I’ve discovered the whole local guides program quite by accident and really learnt to love the whole idea behind it.
So, what does the program mean to me, you might ask? Well, through it, my love for exploring new places really grew. I will purposefully go out to experience places I haven’t been to. For multiple reasons really…
For one, to be able to get to know our community / the world we live in. Thus being able to talk along at social events and inspire ideas for our group of friends’ new outing.
Secondly, to be able to write an honest review about places afterwards (so that tourists will know what to expect for example).
Thirdly, to update or add information about places. For instance, I once couldn’t find the working hours of my local bank anywhere, so on my subsequent visit, I enquired about it and they reported that is a problem people ask about. I commented that I’ll add their hours to Google Maps for them, so that the problem might have a solution. They said that’s impossible. Well, their hours are added now, and they are quite pleased. (Thanks goes to Google actually J) Since then, I’ve been out to add missing information (like working hours as mentioned) for businesses and other places.

Another way the local guides program is meaningful to me is: due to me being a local guide, I’ve inspired my mother to become one as well. It is quite a playful rivalry between the two us. So much fun! We will challenge each other for amount of reviews and other contributions made and even will go exploring together. It is bonding and positively impacted our relationship

I would love to hear how being a local guide has impacted your life! So, come on, feel free to comment!