This post is a collaborative post written in group by #TeamArgentina. One of us is the one that publishes it, but we all cooperate in the idea, the writing process and/or the photo selection.
In this occasion, we grouped to write a serie of posts about our country, Argentina. You can read this one as an introduction and index, to all the posts we will be publishing during the following days.
The idea of writing about our country was proposed as a #TeamChallenge by @ErmesT who challenged us to join in groups, to write posts about the place where we live.
Following Ermest’s challenge naming convention, we named our group as #TeamArgentina and you can find all our posts under that hashtag.
We want everyone to get to know our country and come to visit us very soon!
About us
#TeamArgentina group is composed by (from left to right):
- **Jesi @Jesi **- Buenos Aires city, Argentina
- **Karol @kroza **- Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
- **Vale @ValeriaA **- Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- **Farid @FaridTDF **- RĂo Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
- **Caro @CaroGuiniazu **Sampacho, RĂo Cuarto, CĂłrdoba, Argentina
- **Ceci @Cecilita **- Buenos Aires city, Argentina
What are our posts all about?
Let’s start together a nice trip around our country, stopping in every place we think are the best ones to visit. Come on! Get into our RV and join us in the best Road trip through Argentina!
Do you love food? Do you want to know what the “Mate” is, what an “Asado” or an “humita” consists of, or just want to know where to find “Dulce de Leche” in your trip to Argentina? In this Argentina’s dishes post series, we will be talking about the dishes we like most! Let’s go!
Are you a sports lover? Do you like football? Have you heard about our passion for football? Perhaps you heard about Maradona or Messi, or seen some video of our passionate fans? If this is your case, we are sure you will love our post series about Argentina’s passion for football!
Surely you have heard that we speak spanish in Argentina. But… Do you know that we commonly use words or phrases taken from the streets from our italian-spanish heritage? Have you heard about Lunfardo? Get to know more about us in this post about Lunfardo and Argentine slang! It is so funny! And it will help you understand what that argentine is telling you!
Do you want to know what a “Gaucho” is? Do you want to know what they were used to do? Are you curious about if there are still Gauchos in Argentina? Check out the post The Gaucho and you won’t regret it!
Are you an expert dancer? Even if you have two left feet… it doesn’t matter! You will surely enjoy a lot, our post about The Tango. Let’s learn together some steps of this traditional dance in Argentina!
To finish our post about our beloved country, we want to share a video of an orchestra of traditional instruments, playing our National Hymn published by the Ministry of Culture of our country.
Look out for our posts with the hashtags #teamArgentina and #teamChallenge and join us posting about the topic you like most about your country.
C’mon, let’s share with the world how wonderful our countries are!
Did you enjoy our posts as much we did writing them?
Do you have more information about our country or did you wrote a post about it and you want to share?
Do you want us to write about another topic we did not cover?
Please feel free to share the answers in the comments! We will be very glad to read what you have to say!
This post is included in the series about Argentina, included in the Team Challenge proposed by @ErmesT . This series is oriented to introduce our country, its culture and traditions.
You can find all the posts of this series searching by the hashtags #teamChallenge and #teamArgentina.