Living Argentina - #TeamArgentina

This post is a collaborative post written in group by #TeamArgentina. One of us is the one that publishes it, but we all cooperate in the idea, the writing process and/or the photo selection.

In this occasion, we grouped to write a serie of posts about our country, Argentina. You can read this one as an introduction and index, to all the posts we will be publishing during the following days.

The idea of writing about our country was proposed as a #TeamChallenge by @ErmesT who challenged us to join in groups, to write posts about the place where we live.

Following Ermest’s challenge naming convention, we named our group as #TeamArgentina and you can find all our posts under that hashtag.

We want everyone to get to know our country and come to visit us very soon!

About us

#TeamArgentina group is composed by (from left to right):

  • **Jesi @Jesi **- Buenos Aires city, Argentina
  • **Karol @kroza **- Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
  • **Vale @ValeriaA **- Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • **Farid @FaridTDF **- RĂ­o Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
  • **Caro @CaroGuiniazu **Sampacho, RĂ­o Cuarto, CĂłrdoba, Argentina
  • **Ceci @Cecilita **- Buenos Aires city, Argentina

What are our posts all about?

Let’s start together a nice trip around our country, stopping in every place we think are the best ones to visit. Come on! Get into our RV and join us in the best Road trip through Argentina!

Do you love food? Do you want to know what the “Mate” is, what an “Asado” or an “humita” consists of, or just want to know where to find “Dulce de Leche” in your trip to Argentina? In this Argentina’s dishes post series, we will be talking about the dishes we like most! Let’s go!

Argentina’s dishes

Are you a sports lover? Do you like football? Have you heard about our passion for football? Perhaps you heard about Maradona or Messi, or seen some video of our passionate fans? If this is your case, we are sure you will love our post series about Argentina’s passion for football!

Surely you have heard that we speak spanish in Argentina. But… Do you know that we commonly use words or phrases taken from the streets from our italian-spanish heritage? Have you heard about Lunfardo? Get to know more about us in this post about Lunfardo and Argentine slang! It is so funny! And it will help you understand what that argentine is telling you!

Do you want to know what a “Gaucho” is? Do you want to know what they were used to do? Are you curious about if there are still Gauchos in Argentina? Check out the post The Gaucho and you won’t regret it!

Are you an expert dancer? Even if you have two left feet… it doesn’t matter! You will surely enjoy a lot, our post about The Tango. Let’s learn together some steps of this traditional dance in Argentina!

To finish our post about our beloved country, we want to share a video of an orchestra of traditional instruments, playing our National Hymn published by the Ministry of Culture of our country.

Look out for our posts with the hashtags #teamArgentina and #teamChallenge and join us posting about the topic you like most about your country.

C’mon, let’s share with the world how wonderful our countries are!

Did you enjoy our posts as much we did writing them?

Do you have more information about our country or did you wrote a post about it and you want to share?

Do you want us to write about another topic we did not cover?

Please feel free to share the answers in the comments! We will be very glad to read what you have to say!

This post is included in the series about Argentina, included in the Team Challenge proposed by @ErmesT . This series is oriented to introduce our country, its culture and traditions.

You can find all the posts of this series searching by the hashtags #teamChallenge and #teamArgentina.


Qué lindo fue realizar este trabajo en equipo!!! Creo que nos acercó y nos unió como grupo. No veo la hora de encarar un nuevo proyecto junto a ustedes!!!


Es una gran colecciĂłn de post sobre Argentina @Cecilita , una buena guĂ­a practica para emprender un viaje y recorrer todas las bellezas que ofrece Argentina.

Saludos Farid

For the case that has difficulty, in reading my answer, in the upper left part of the screen, in the drop-down menu of languages, you can select the language, in which you want to read the post.


It was a pleasure to work with such a great team!!! You are so cool!!!

And thanks @ErmesT for giving us such a great idea!!


Concuerdo completamente con @CaroGuiniazu ! Aunque no terminó para mi todavía, fue una muy buena experiencia y genial para unirnos como equipo y conocernos mejor. Me encantaría continuar con publicaciones así y llegar a CL todavía más unidos!

Muchas gracias por crear el reto, @ErmesT ! Y por confiar en nosotros para empezar este #TeamChallenge.


Great job everyone! Hold on to your hats! This is just the beginning! :slight_smile:


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S, #teamArgentina, and thank you @Cecilita for writing the main post.

it was a pleasure to watch #teamArgentina at work. The most difficult part has been to avoid to have a preview of your post. I have really enjoyed the team work, that I can define with a single word: Impressive.

It is amazing to see how you worked, and still working, as a team. So, again, congratulation to you, plus @CaroGuiniazu , @FaridTDF , @Jesi , @kroza , @ValeriaA .

you are raising the bar for the posts in Connect, reaching an incredible level of quality.

Bravo to everyone


@ErmesT Creo que definitivamente esto que presentamos para todos ustedes, el trabajo en equipo, no será el último, tenemos muchas cosas todavía por decir y de decírtelas desde el #TeamArgentina, generando post colaborativos, en los cuales nos v¡movemos bastante bien, en breve tendrás mas noticias nuestras Ermes.

Saludos Farid


Thank you @ErmesT for giving us this excelent oportunity to know each other better!

Writing this serie was so funny and as @FaridTDF said, working toghether was so good that surely we did not finish yet!! :smiling_face:


Todo aquel que trabajo en equipos sabrá que no es fácil compatibilizar las virtudes y destrezas de cada uno de sus miembros en pro del objetivo común, hacer que todos sean y funcionen como uno solo, es una de las cosas mas desafiantes y divertidas de hacer, ya que en el camino puedes lograr lo mejor de cada miembro del equipo. Y creo que en esta empresa que llevamos a cabo con las chicas se pudo lograr el maximo de cada una, pero lo mejor de todo es que comenzamos como meros conocidos y a estas alturas creo que somos buenos amigos que nos da gusto hacer cosas juntos @Cecilita



This post series just makes me want to visit Argentina more! I’d love to see more of the beautiful people, grand foods and absolutely stunning scenery. I was surprised to see the fire danger sign on the first road trip shot. They’re an Australian invention - cool to see them spreading around the world making everyone safer.



I love, love, love this post, @Cecilita and all of you who contributed to sharing about your country! It captures so much information and I learned a lot despite my having been to Buenos Aires once. I didn’t know about gauchos at all! Thank you Team Argentina for sharing and I hope to see more of these great posts so I can learn even more without leaving my computer (but hope I do leave it to experience it firsthand).


viste @PaulPavlinovich , las buenas costumbres se extiende por todo el mundo sin importar la autoría, y ustedes tienen muchas virtudes, la zona de Bariloche, que es donde tome la Foto es muy boscosa y propensa incendios en verano, si seguís la ruta esa vas rumbo a Chile por el paso integración Samoré, luego del cruce hay una zona que es muy tétrica por como quedo luego de un incendió hace muchos años, por eso es tan delicado el tema de los incendios en esta zona.



Que bueno que te gusto el post @TraciC , tenemos en cartera varios post todavia como es “el Asado” (comida típica de la mesa Argentina) recordad cuando fuimos con @MaxWalsh a cenar ?, “El Tango” y otros mas que deseamos sorprenderlos. La idea es llegar a Noviembre mostrando lo mejor de la Argentina, pero lo mas importante que conozcan profundamente al #TeamArgentina

TendrĂ­as que planificar un nuevo viaje a Argentina y agendar visitar los cuatro puntos cardinales el norte el Este, el Oeste y el sur. Varios podremos hacer de guĂ­a para ti :slightly_smiling_face:



Hola @Cecilita ,

¡Has hecho una gran colección en este post! ¡Felicitaciones! Definitivamente tu equipo ha subido mucho el listón! :slight_smile:


@Cecilita @FaridTDF @Jesi hermoso trabajo chicos. Super interesante. Yo particularmente soy seguidor de Messi y el fútbol, encanta la carne argentina, fanático del tango, interesado en la cultura gaucha, y por supuesto su gente, tengo varios amigos argentinos que son fenómenos (termino de Uds, no tan peruano jaja)… Abrazos y todos lo mejor amigos


Hi @Cecilita

Thanks for introducing Team Argentina.

Your coleagues are charming.

Regards from Slovakia.



@PaulPavlinovich , I am so glad to hear that our posts made you want to come to Argentina! If you have the oportunity, please do it! Surely, you will not regret!

I did not know that the fire danger sign was an Australian invention! It is so interesting! We use that sign in a lot of forested places. In this case, it has been installed in a forest in our Patagonia (the south of Argentina), where the weather is very dry.


Very well presented. My favorite football team Argentina.

Thank you @Cecilita for share everyone.



Que lindo post @Cecilita me gusta como va creciendo la comunidad del #teamArgentina.

Yo estoy un poco perdido, por que me cambiaron de sector de trabajo y los horarios me estan volviendo loco. Espero pronto volver a cruzarme con todos en algĂşn MeetUp.

@FaridTDF Pareces un galán entre todas las mujeres hahaha…