I am posting in the exact moment when the event described here below is taking place, at Connect Live 2018.
If you are there, if you have seen it, feel free to complete the post, adding your pictures, and your point of view
This is an 11 months long story:
After LGSummit17, all the Connect Moderators decided to send a postcard to Local Guide Team, with our season greetings.
Every Connect Moderator was invited to sign the card, in his country.
With this in mind, @IlankovanT made the postcard, signed it, and shipped it to California, to the next CM.
More CM were added, during the last year, so the card was frequently readdressed, covering the distance of 100.408 Km (48.816 miles) calculated point to point.
It means that the real trip of the card was more than 100.000 Km, that means two and a half times the diameter of the earth.
I don’t need to write more, the video will tell you the complete story
The postcard has been delivered now to the team.
Are you at Connect Live 18? Share your photo and your story
If you are not in there, this is a way to share this moment with you too.