Live at Connect Live '18 - Connect Moderators Spread Holiday Cheer from Around the World

I am posting in the exact moment when the event described here below is taking place, at Connect Live 2018.

If you are there, if you have seen it, feel free to complete the post, adding your pictures, and your point of view

This is an 11 months long story:

After LGSummit17, all the Connect Moderators decided to send a postcard to Local Guide Team, with our season greetings.

Every Connect Moderator was invited to sign the card, in his country.

With this in mind, @IlankovanT made the postcard, signed it, and shipped it to California, to the next CM.

More CM were added, during the last year, so the card was frequently readdressed, covering the distance of 100.408 Km (48.816 miles) calculated point to point.

It means that the real trip of the card was more than 100.000 Km, that means two and a half times the diameter of the earth.

I don’t need to write more, the video will tell you the complete story

The postcard has been delivered now to the team.

Are you at Connect Live 18? Share your photo and your story

If you are not in there, this is a way to share this moment with you too.


This was such a beautiful moment and story to see told live and via video! You all are amazing!!


Oh no, @TraciC

This is a way to say thank you, thank you to all the team that is working hard to make Local Guides a great experience


Wow amazing video.


Great story! Thanks for sharing. Connect Live is coming to an end, let the countdown to the Holiday Season begin :slight_smile:


great and amazing work great idea thank you


Wow @ErmesT ! Great idea! :slight_smile: Great to see this effort that reached the LG team with the contribute of all of you Connect Moderators!

Proud of you!

P.S: I want to see the final envelope! I suspect was a 2 kg box after all the steps! :smiley:

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Great What a Great Idea @IlankovanT and all the Moderator Team. Just like Santa Claus Travelling around the world on his sleigh.

Thanks for sharing the great story @ErmesT


Amazing video @ErmesT all connect moderator’s are worholic in around the Globe…Thank you for sharing a great news…

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amazing video

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Wonderful post @ErmesT

Thank you for sharing with us.

This idea mixed the romantic feeling that only a postcard can give you, with the potentiality that technology offers us nowadays. Thank you for sharing this with us @ErmesT and most of all thank you all guys for making Connect such a great place to share your knowledge and experience.


Thank you @Sorbe

This is for all you guys, that work everyday to make Connect the house of Local Guides.

The base of the video is made with Google earth, using the tour function, so the technology is there, but the tour was real.

Connect Live '18 was great, over and over every expectations, will more than 100 Googlers (may I say 100 friends?) working with us. So now, as I cannot tag 106 of you, I just say thanks


I also want to thank the Googlers that wasn’t on Connect Live, keeping the community available for every local guide.

We missed you guys, @BruceDM , @Atsukot , @DeniGu , just to mention some, hoping you want to extend our friendship to all the team


Absolutely loved the idea @ErmesT and it is staggering to hear how far it travelled. The Local Guides team is so deserving.

Fantastic post and great video @ErmesT … thanks for share.,:blush:

Thank you so much for outstanding post and excellent video @ErmesT

It is good idea to sent postcard.

Connect Live in San Francisco is a great event for Google Local guides from all over the world. This event was fantastic!

Thanks for sharing wonderful photos from San Francisco!


i love this kind of ideas @ErmesT :smiley:


This is such a fantastic and heart-warming idea! A big thank you to @IlankovanT who started this chain of positive thoughts and feelings.

Thank you so much, @ErmesT , for sharing the story and adventures of the postcard around the world! Even though is much easier to send a virtual greetings card or a Christmas sticker nowadays, the happiness of receiving a physical postcard is unparalleled. (I personally send out a dozen of these every year!)

Even though we weren’t at Connect Live, we still enjoyed a big part of it through posts here on Connect and on social media. Looking forward to any more impressions and experiences you’d like to share!:slight_smile:


Thank you @helga19 , @OSAMA , @KashifMisidia , @SP31

Well, it was funny to imagine it, and it was beautiful to make it.

I believe that no one of is was imagining this, and when we saw the video we was the first to be surprised. You are right @DeniGu , this is why we have Meet-ups, and we like to meet physically other local guides.

It is quite strange for me to read your reply, whyle I am going to sleep, after a day spent walking around, for testing my new 360 camera in front of the Pacific Ocean.

I mean, it is Sunday night in here. I am used to read you from Monday to Friday, so your reply is for me a brabeauti “good night”
