Litti chokha

Litti chokha is a wholesome food of Bihar. Since Jharkhand was made from Bihar in the year 2000,most of the food varieties, culture etc remain the same. There are various indigenous food joints in dhanbad serving mouth watering litti chokha to customers. This is a very healthy recipe which uses flour,roasted chick pea flour(sattu) for litti and potato ,brinjal, tomato for chokha. At least two types of chutney is served along with a plate of litti chokha. The litti is roasted on ‘chulha’ hence there is no added fat. However it tastes delicious when dipped in ghee. Chokha id also made of boiled potatoes, roasted brinjal and roasted tomatoes.

Do taste it once! It tastes heavenly!

The most popular joint isGaya Singh litti dukan.