From Connect Live 2019 I realized that I can create and share lists with the others. I have noticed many strange things happening there.
First of all I don’t know if I am the only one who can’t add places on lists or modify their description from Google Maps website. I always get an error that I cannot do it.
The same list appears differently when you see it from the Android app and in the web. You can see this list: that has the following look:
Edits on Android App doesn’t appear on the web. If you noticed from previous photo and the list list… the description is different (word ‘ones’ is added… edit is made from Android App). Also description of some places are added later from Android App. They don’t appear on the website.
Sharing generates different links. Should it behave like this? If I make further edits I don’t see them reflected to links I have shared before. Also they doesn’t appear even if I get a new link.
The look of the lists on Mobile App is taken from me… but others doesn’t even see the added description for some places even if they open from Android app.
Also on Android App you have the opportunity for the place to choose a photo, but in the web the default photo is displayed instead of the one I choose.
Are all of these not working only for me or does other people get the same behavior as me?