Link to my website as certified 360° photographer doesn´t work anymore

Hi, I´m a certified 360° photographer and have an entry on the Google website for certified photographers:

Unfortunately, my name isn´t linked with my website anymore. Can someone tell me how to change that?


Hello @DanielDietz , 360 photo and application support has been removed now. Your problem is related to this.

Ok, that means I have no chance to get a link to my website? And why is the website still on when the service is cancelled?

Hi @DanielDietz

No problem. It can be fixed.

Learn more in this update by Googler DeniGu: Questions about Street View?

The new help center consists of some articles and a few forms. One of them is to request edit of your existing listing as a trusted photographer.

Let me know if you don’t have access or can not find the form.


Thanks Morten, would be great to have access to the form, can´t find it.

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It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.

I see you have the trusted logo under your profile. @DeniGu would you kindly check his access to the site?

Here is the deep link to the form:



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thank you so much for the advice and the form! Have a great day!

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Were you able to open the form?

If so, then @DeniGu will not need to step in.





Yes, thank you, I could open the form!

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