Light UP

Utsav Chowk is one of the beautiful landmark located at the heart of Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. During day it welcomes you with greenery and during the night it shines up with great lights.

I captured this picture with OnePlus 5 in Pro Mode with Long Exposure settings and I used Sun Glasses as ND filter to attenuate the light.

All our localities have one such landmark looking at which we instantly remember our past connected to that place. What’s the famous landmark in your locality?


Nice photo, thanks for sharing @Venky_lightbug

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@TheEagleEye Thank you :slight_smile:

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Nice shoot!

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Thanks @Attrix

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Hi @Venky_lightbug ,

Very nice photo, thanks for sharing!

I am glad to see that it’s possible to capture such images on a smartphone.

I am seeing this kind of “light painting” style photography a lot lately, and I have actually been wanting to try it myself.

I noticed that my new phone has a setting called “painting with light”.

Which light source caused the light in your photo?

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Hey @MortenSI

Thank you. Am glad you liked the picture.

And indeed the light painting photography is an exciting task. It actually illustrates the creativity in one’s mind. And mobile camera have really taken a step up. One just needs to know how and when to use it properly.

The light source over here is the moving traffic. I would recommend to use manual mode option in your camera app if available, rather than the light painting option as you get more control over the shutter speed and exposure.

Also do share your light painting once you are successful. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for the advice @Venky_lightbug , I will see if I can get the hang of it, using your tips.

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