Life in a pandemic: What small businesses do to continue the precaution

2020 will come to an end soon, but it seems that COVID-19 has not disappeared yet. This pandemic has turned this world upside down. Some have lost small businesses, while some still survived. We look forward to a day when we all feel safe again. But for now, I think in ways, life will be different a lot longer than we expect.

One permanent change in our daily routine will likely be how people practice good hygiene by washing their hands frequently. Face mask becomes the norm and hand sanitizer is a must. Temperature checks are set to become a part of everyday life whilst in public places, although some people may not be comfortable with it.

Another change is that the sneeze guards (glass or acrylic barriers) installed at checkout line still remain. Those are designed to minimize the risk of potentially spreading the virus between cashier and customer.

Photo taken at Total Fresh Fruit. Read my full review here.

Signs are also placed around the restaurant that allows dine-in customers. Every table is marked off with black tape to remind people to keep a safe distance between themselves and others.

Photo taken at Se’i Sapiku Restaurant. Read my full review here.

Glass or acrylic shield solutions are also popped up in small food stalls. People can easily breathe onto the food displays and cause contamination. These barriers stop spray and spittle from nose and mouth from landing on foods.

Photo taken at Prima Rasa. Read my full review here.

I decided to write this post after I joined the mission: Shop small with me on staycation. I recently went and bought some products from all places I mentioned above. I hope my contributions can support small local businesses near me.

Have you bought something from small businesses near you? Did you find any similar COVID-19 precautions? I would be interested to know your stories in the comments below.


hi @Lusianaa , Thank you for this great post , I agree with you , also I want to add that the new tools add more cost for small business such as Glass and masks … to keep a safe .I will try to follow your advice. thank you

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Kalau di kota saya di Malang, Jawa Timur, banyak rumah makan yang menerapkan strategi “jemput bola,” Kak @Lusianaa . Seperti misalnya rumah makan “Pondok Roti Gepeng Bersaus Ala Italia” (if you know what I mean) yang menjajakan rotinya di pinggir-pinggir jalan dengan harga bersaing. Yang begini-begini ini jadi susah kalau mau mengulasnya di Google Maps. Hehee…

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Hi @Mutaz1

Thank you for your comment. Yes, you are right about the added costs of buying basic health protocols. This pandemic is affecting small businesses in a variety of ways. I hope my post inspires you to do the same :slightly_smiling_face:

@iorikun301 apakah yg kakak maksud itu pizza? :thinking: Kalau disini juga ada yang menerapkan strategi itu, contohnya restoran cepat saji. Mereka akan berkeliling membawa paket makanan dan menawarkannya ke konsumen. Iya benar kak, kalau lokasinya belum tetap maka tidak bisa diulas. Tapi setidaknya masih bisa dijadikan bahan tulisan di Connect :grin:

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Lho, kok Kak @Lusianaa bisa tahu kalau yang aku maksud roti gepeng bersaus ala Italia itu pizza? Wah, hebaaatt!! Hahaa…

Btw, sebetulnya agak bingung juga kalau pengen mengulas layanan penjualan “jemput bola” semacam ini, karena mereka sebetulnya masih bagian dari suatu gerai/outlet. Cuma penjualannya saja yang di luar gerai. Kalau layanan seperti ini bisa diulas di Maps, pengguna bisa tahu bahwa suatu gerai makanan punya layanan penjualan seperti ini. Bisa membantu menaikkan traffic dan rating gerai tersebut.

Tapi, ya…, susah :grinning: :grinning:


Hai kak @Lusianaa

Sepertinya kalau di perkampungan seperti tempat tinggalku dengan sedih harus mengatakan banyak yang kurang peduli dengan protokol kesehatan , seperti warung - warung tetangga normal seperti biasa .

Bahkan yang lebih mirisnya kalau mau pergi dan rapi mengenakan masker malah di komen

‘kalau pergi dekat gak usah pakai masker gak bakalan ada razia .’

Tapi kalau minimarket seperti lfamart atau indomret memang ada sekat dan memakai masker , menyediakan hand sanitizer . Tempat bisnis cafe atau yang dekat jalan raya mereka ada beberapa yang menerapkan tapi lagi lagi sebagian besar belum ada kesadaran

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Hi @Lusianaa ,

thank you for this post and for sharing the current situation in your place, especially about local business. Yes indeed this pandemic introduced some new ways of doing business and we can see those common small rules applied everywhere for everyone safety. Local businesses are suffering a lot, so thank you very much for your efforts in supporting them.

Happy guiding and hoping we can soon come back to a normal life :hugs: .

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Wah ternyata benar! Roti + Italia = Pizza! Clue nya sudah jelas banget itu kak @iorikun301 :smile: :smile:

Menurutku, ada baiknya juga menambahkan keterangan bahwa outlet tersebut menerapkan strategi penjualan di luar gerai, siapa tau ada pengguna yang membutuhkan informasi akan hal ini.

Wah sedih juga ya mendengar hal itu, Teh @Nyainurjanah Saya paham mungkin kita semua sudah cukup “lelah” karena harus mengenakan masker setiap saat. Namun, kita harus bersabar sampai pandemi ini selesai, dan yang terpenting adalah bahwa segala tindak pencegahan harus dimulai dari kesadaran diri sendiri.

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Hi @LuigiZ

Thank you for your comment. I’m glad to share my experience and hopefully it can inspire others.

Stay safe and healthy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Setuju sekali kak @Lusianaa semua orang sepertinya mengeluh tentang pandemik tapi kesadarannya masih rendah .

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