Question: 1. What is a ‘Cover Photo’ in LG Connect?
Answer: 1a. The ‘first photo’ of your post is published/displayed as the ‘Cover Poto’ of the post.
Answer: 1b. And, your ‘Cover Photo’ is displayed as 'Thumbnail’ on the ‘Homepage’ (also known as the ‘Board’) of LG Connect.
Screenshot of a part of the Connect Homepage - 4 Thumbnails (the Titles, Author’s name, etc. are marked). An impressive cover photo and a meaningful title will make your post more attractive and helpful.
Question: 2. What is the ‘Aspect Ratio’?
Answer: 2. The ‘Aspect Ratio’ is the relationship between the width and height of an image (or a screen, etc.) - the width (left to right) and the height (top to bottom). This ratio is expressed with two numbers, separated by a colon, such as 16:9, sixteen- is to -nine.
As an example, the aspect ratio of a photo with 1920X1080 pixels is 16:9.
Question: 2. What is the importance of the ‘Aspect Ratio’?
Answer: 3. The Thumbnails displayed on the homepage have an aspect ratio of 16:9; so your cover photo also needs to have an aspect ratio of 16:9, if you need your full photo to be displayed on the thumbnail. If your photo is wider or taller, then it will be trimmed to 16:9 from the centre of the photo - resulting in the cropping of your photo.
Photo #1A. Shows the thumbnail which is cropped from the centre of the original photo - The “Davara-Tumbler” shot effect is missing in the thumbnail…right?
Photo #1B gives the full effect = original photo, published in the post.
Photo #2A is the cropped version of the original in photo #2B - See… the difference in the total effect.
Photo #2C: The style in which the photo will be cropped in the Connect forum - hope it is clear.
Such Auto-cropping results in less impressive or meaningless thumbnails; if you have relevant texts on the cover photo, the cropping will be more dangerous - (Ex: in a ‘Meet-up Cover Photo’ (also called the ‘Banner’), the date/time or location may be cropped off).
Here are some important & valuable points, added by @Rohan10 …
More information about thumbnails:
- Thumbnails are not only displayed on the homepage but also in search results and on other LG Connect pages… Read more…
In Part -2, we shall consider how to create 16:9 cover photos and how to effectively crop a photo, which is not in 16:9 aspect ratio.
- For best results, use horizontal (Landscape) photos for the cover photos.
- A well explanative ‘Title’ with searchable keywords makes your post more accessible in Google search; you can use up to 99 characters in the title.
@NandKK @PrasadVR @raoufdar7 @EwanArnolda ShekharMuz_5 @RaviSharma111 @AH_Zakir @Nachiket_methre @HinalLad
Hello dear Senior LGs, if you have any further inputs, I shall be to add it in the main post - thank in advance for your supports.