LG Connect Homepage, Thumbnails, Cover Photo, Aspect Ratio - its importance - Part -1 - TravellerG

Question: 1. What is a ‘Cover Photo’ in LG Connect?

Answer: 1a. The ‘first photo’ of your post is published/displayed as the ‘Cover Poto’ of the post.

Answer: 1b. And, your ‘Cover Photo’ is displayed as 'Thumbnail’ on the ‘Homepage’ (also known as the ‘Board’) of LG Connect.

Screenshot of a part of the Connect Homepage - 4 Thumbnails (the Titles, Author’s name, etc. are marked). An impressive cover photo and a meaningful title will make your post more attractive and helpful.

Question: 2. What is the ‘Aspect Ratio’?

Answer: 2. The ‘Aspect Ratio’ is the relationship between the width and height of an image (or a screen, etc.) - the width (left to right) and the height (top to bottom). This ratio is expressed with two numbers, separated by a colon, such as 16:9, sixteen- is to -nine.

As an example, the aspect ratio of a photo with 1920X1080 pixels is 16:9.

Question: 2. What is the importance of the ‘Aspect Ratio’?

Answer: 3. The Thumbnails displayed on the homepage have an aspect ratio of 16:9; so your cover photo also needs to have an aspect ratio of 16:9, if you need your full photo to be displayed on the thumbnail. If your photo is wider or taller, then it will be trimmed to 16:9 from the centre of the photo - resulting in the cropping of your photo.

Photo #1A. Shows the thumbnail which is cropped from the centre of the original photo - The “Davara-Tumbler” shot effect is missing in the thumbnail…right?

Photo #1B gives the full effect = original photo, published in the post.

Photo #2A is the cropped version of the original in photo #2B - See… the difference in the total effect.

Photo #2C: The style in which the photo will be cropped in the Connect forum - hope it is clear.

Such Auto-cropping results in less impressive or meaningless thumbnails; if you have relevant texts on the cover photo, the cropping will be more dangerous - (Ex: in a ‘Meet-up Cover Photo’ (also called the ‘Banner’), the date/time or location may be cropped off).

Here are some important & valuable points, added by @Rohan10

More information about thumbnails:

  1. Thumbnails are not only displayed on the homepage but also in search results and on other LG Connect pages… Read more…

In Part -2, we shall consider how to create 16:9 cover photos and how to effectively crop a photo, which is not in 16:9 aspect ratio.


  1. For best results, use horizontal (Landscape) photos for the cover photos.
  2. A well explanative ‘Title’ with searchable keywords makes your post more accessible in Google search; you can use up to 99 characters in the title.

@NandKK @PrasadVR @raoufdar7 @EwanArnolda ShekharMuz_5 @RaviSharma111 @AH_Zakir @Nachiket_methre @HinalLad


Hello dear Senior LGs, if you have any further inputs, I shall be to add it in the main post - thank in advance for your supports.


thank you for this informative article sir @TravellerG


Hello, dear @Nachiket_methre

Thank you very much for responding even while you are travelling.

Happy that you found the post helpful.



Maybe some of you are aware of the main information; I hope that there may be some helpful data in this post - and hence, I am tagging you.

@plavarda @renata1 @PattyBlack @ShailendraOjha @Ptrivedi @Annaelisa Maximilianozalazar @Safadxb007 @VishalDarji @HaqNabil

If you have inputs or questions, I would love to attend to them - thanks in advance.


Thank you sir @TravellerG for sharing such an Exceptionally Informative posts with us about the LG Connect Homepage, Thumbnails, Cover Photo, Aspect Ratio.

I can confidently affirm that a considerable number of individuals, myself included, were not fully aware of these facts within the LG community.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for the exceptional tips and informative posts you’ve shared. Your dedication to CONNECT shines through, and your contributions have been instrumental in enhancing my understanding of the topic. Navigating the complexities has become more enjoyable with your insightful contents. Your passion and generosity in sharing knowledge have created a sense of community.

Thank you for being a beacon of wisdom and inspiration.


I close my hands and bow my head…dear @NandKK … your kind words are heart-touching - I am really moved by your feelings and I am humbled more.

I have been getting many questions about this aspect from different LGs and hence tried to create this article; extremely happy that you found it helpful.

Kindly tag your friends, who also may find this useful or at least informative.



Hello friends, @TusharSuradkar @AjitThite @Perko @Anil6969 @Rohan10 @RosyKohli @Shrut19 @Ddimitra @NomadicSatyam @Arati

I know that most of you are experts in this subject - I am tagging you to get your feedback on whether the article is ‘clear’ and ‘understandable to beginners’; also, if you feel that additionally, any other points can help/support, kindly mention them so that I can add the same in the main post itself, referring your name.

Thanks for your cooperation and valuable support.


Yes, :+1: The post looks perfect. The explanations are adequate, clear concise, and neatly illustrated.

This will greatly help as a reference to anyone who is not aware of this important information about photos in LG Connect.

oops! left out tagging you earlier in this reply @TravellerG


Thank You @TravellerG dear friend! Perfect post in its objective and in your impeccable explanation!!! A big hug from Italy



Zanimivo @TravellerG:grinning:

Vsak Se Loti Priprave Za Objavo Slike Edinstveno…

Tvoj Strokovni Način Je Super :1st_place_medal: :clap:

Jaz Imam Drugačno Metodo…

Težko Me Razumeš Kaj Ti Bom Sedaj Napisal ~ Jaz Raje “Obrnem” Mobilnik Za Čim Lepšo Sliko ali Video …

Po Domače ~ Teren In Tam Originalna Slika…

Prav Tako Uporaba Vodni Žig kot Uradna Lokacija in Datum ~ Čas…

:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Hvala za Omembo v Objavi…

Srečno Dalje @Perko :slovenia:


@TravellerG ,

Nicely done and very clear. .

If anyone creates a reference for posting tips, this should be included.

Thanks for the post.


Thank you @TravellerG ji, for this great post.It’s very helpful for the LG community. I would like to tag our friends @ShekharMuz_5 , @JustJake


Excellent post covering one of the important topic for the LGs here on connect portal @TravellerG sir!

We are also planning for a internal training and guiding to create covering banner for Pune group, this will add one more layer to it, making our work easy. :blush:

Thanks again for sharing with us.



Thank you very much for your prompt response and happy that your feedback is positive.

Yes, as you are aware, I have tried to do my best,

Your quick response is highly appreciated…

With warm regards, dear @TusharSuradkar


Since you have good exposure to the topic, your feedback is very important to me, my dear friend @plavarda .

Surely, I a waiting for your kind response and guidance.

Thanks with warm hugs from India…

:handshake: :heart: :pray:


“… Your professional manner is great…”

Thank you very much for your kind feedback.

Happy that you liked the article.

Highly appreciate your efforts, dear fellow LG @Perko .

Request you to kindly tag me in your future posts so that I will not miss your contributions…

Regards with hugs from India.



My dear friend, @Rednewt74 ,

Thank you very much for your kind words and valuable feedback.

Happy that found the article helpful.

Regarding zooming the photo:

The photos are locked in LG Connect… Any other photo is enlargeable?

Of course, one can download any photo and that will be enlargeable.

Let me know your thoughts, dear friend.

Regards with greetings.


Thank you very much for your kind feedback, dear team member @PrasadVR - happy that the article is helpful to you…

Thanks also for tagging your friends…

Allow me to tag our other friends @Radhika26 @AnubhaBangia who may also be interested in this topic.

Regards to each one of you…

:handshake: :handshake: :handshake: :heart: :pray: :+1:


Hello very dear @AjitThite

Thank you so much for your kind words and valuable feedback - it is very important to me - highly appreciate your companionship.

“… We are also planning for a internal training and guiding to create covering banner for Pune group…”

Follow to the physical meet up, I request you to kindly organise a virtual meetup do - even I will be very much interested to join.

“… this will add one more layer to it, making our work easy…”

In case I can virtually assist you, I can also explain the details of “How to frame Helpful TITLES (Google Search Friendly)”… Just a humble suggestion…

Best wishes for all your endeavors…

Most sincerely yours,


This is a very informative and helpful post about the importance of LG Connect cover photos and thumbnails. I especially appreciate the detailed explanation of aspect ratios and how they affect the way your post is displayed on the homepage. The screenshots and examples are also very helpful in illustrating your points.

Here are some additional thoughts I would like to add into your post

Additional tips for creating attractive cover photos:

  1. Use high-quality images that are clear and in focus.
  2. Choose images that are relevant to your post topic.
  3. Avoid using text on your cover photos, as it may be illegible when cropped.
  4. Use bright and eye-catching colors to make your post stand out.

More information about thumbnails:

  1. Thumbnails are not only displayed on the homepage, but also in search results and on other LG Connect pages.
  2. A well-designed thumbnail can increase the click-through rate for your post.
  3. You can use online tools or apps to create custom thumbnails for your posts.

Benefits of using a 16:9 aspect ratio:

  1. 16:9 is the standard aspect ratio for most computer monitors and HDTVs, so your photos will look their best when displayed on these devices.
  2. Using a 16:9 aspect ratio can help to avoid your photos being cropped in a way that cuts off important parts of the image.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge @TravellerG sir and thanks for tagging me…!