Level 9! But I didn't want to be!

So I finally hit level 9.

I had posted earlier about how I was 3 points away and wanted to do something special for the review that would take me into Level 9. So I was waiting and thinking at 49,997 points.

Then a few nights ago I got the congratulations email from Google that said I was now a Level 9, and I was thinking… how??

I guess there were some delayed points awarded or something.

In any case, I am a newly minted Level 9, and now looking towards the next 50,000 XP to level 10 (actually 49,615 now.,…).


Congratulations :tada: on becoming Level 9 Local Guide @adventureswithyoo .

We are equally excited to welcome you in Level 10 club.

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Hey @adventureswithyoo ,

It was a long journey, wasn’t it? Congratulations!

But now the hardest part of your journey is to reach level 10. It’s really long, long. but…

There is a secret to “speed up” the process, if you want.

Have you never considered to join the "TRAC TEAM" ?

Looking at your scoreboard I saw a quite disappointing “0” besides the “Roads Edit”. This could be a great occasion to change it and gain many points that will help you.

If you did not heard about the fantastic TRAC Campaign that our friend and “Captain” Mr @SholaIB set-up have a look here at this post.

Really hope to see you among the famous “Roaders” of the TRAC Campaign.

and good luck for your next 10th level!




Gratzie, Marco!

I had no idea adding roads was a thing. I live in a fairly well developed area so I can’t see any roads that are missing at the moment. But I will definitely start keeping this in mind and I have filled out the TRAC form.


Congrats on your progress through the levels, @adventureswithyoo

I previously thought just like you about adding roads. Now that I’ve started, most of what I do are NOT in my own location. It’s mainly done by zooming in on Google Maps satellite footage and drawing the well worn paths to create the missing roads. That can be done for any place, as long as there’s a clear enough view on the map.

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Congratulations @adventureswithyoo for reaching the Level-9!

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Congrats on the unexpected Level Up, @adventureswithyoo ! You’ve made it through some really well-rounded contributions. Getting that Director Badge could put a dent in your journey to Level 10. You made a big splash on the Leaderboards thanks to your new Level; imagine what another 350 videos would do for your counts :open_mouth: .

Thanks for all of your work helping Map users find awesome places!