Hello I m Viral from Areema Diaries and I am a local guide. I think we should meet together and explore the insights of mumbai to guide people more and more and guide with variety of new places and provide them with quailty information and a new perspective. Many places in mumbai are still not that popular so lets meet together and explore it and guide it to the people
Hi @Areema_Diaries good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.
I hope your Meetup goes well.
Regards Paul
Even I’m from Mumbai. Let’s Plan a Meet up soon.
Definitely Mumbai has alot of exploration requires people to know the real Mumbai. so, Let’s create a Meet up so people can explore and know.
Thank You.