Let's work together!

Hello everybody! :smiling_face:

I rule the community for local guides in the south side of the Harz mountains in Lower Saxony, Germany. I look forward to work together with other local guides in the world and in this area.
Let’s exchange ideas and “how to”'s! …

If possible it would be great to meet in person, but just a connection via internet is fine too. Like some know, I am in several other communities from around the world to get inspired.

Please do not hesitate to join my community. You will find it HERE!

I also need members to participate in the google Hangouts for moderators too! For that reason it would be great if you could join my community!


Boris Gonschorek, Herzberg am Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany


Hola @Boris , no hay la menor duda de que es tu comunidad, tu rostro está en la mayoría de los Post, me gusta mucho, es muy colorida, la combinación en las fotos es vistosa y atractiva :+1::grinning:

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May thanks!
I am always happy when people like my photos! :smiley:

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