Let's take a time machine with me

Today, I’d like to take a time machine and go back to my good old memory.
When I was young, I visited New York and Washington for a business trip.
It is about 30 years ago.
I’m ganna show you the old photos I have been stored in my hard drive for a long time one by one to you.
Would you take a time machine with me together?

First one is the old twin buildings in New York. They were vanished now because of the 9.11 tragedy as you might know. At that time I took the elevator to go to the top of the building. The guider said it was the fastest one in the world.
Second one, maybe no need to explain. I was taken that photo in front of the White House with $5. You must know Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the USA.

That’s all for today. See you again…