Hallo teman-teman, apa kabar? Jakarta Local Guide Meet Up. Rencanain Yuk. WhatsApp kesini ya [PHONE NUMBER REDACTED]. Terima kasih.
Hi @KekeU , I have edited your post to remove your phone number. Connect is a community forum and we do not encourage members to share personal information (yours or other’s) publicly so as to protect your privacy. If you wish to contact others, you can use the private messaging system.
To plan a meet-up, I suggest finding fellow Local Guides from your area first. Search the community for mentions of “Jakarta” to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into those threads, connect with the Local Guides, and plan a met-up.
You can also jump into the Bahasa Indonesia board to engage with Indonesian Local Guides who may also live near you!
Hi @JeslynL . Okay, thank you.
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