Anyone want to Meetup from Anambra, Onitsha Awka
Sharing experience about Google maps in Anambra currently, what were the problem why Google maps doesn’t have street view in Anambra State, like in Lagos and other main Nigeria cities, Anambra State is growing large now with many thanks to real estate development and infrastructure being developed daily and gaining a good time with the new Cargo airport in Umueri, Anambra State should be in the map, and it falls in our own little world to make that happen, We can organize a meeting with our and talk about what can be done, about the maps and location of Anambra, I can’t wait to see or hear from you all, been here doing my little maps since 2018, it’s good to connect with you in the future cause the future is bright and beautiful I’d like to meet you too
We can make Anambra State like Lagos, we can and we will
Dunu Christopher C