Any one in Yelahanka area in south Bangalore??

Around new town?? Let’s meet up.

Hi @Binod700 and welcome to the official Local Guides community called Connect!

There are quite a few Local Guides from Bangalore here on Connect and if you want to find them all you have to do is look-up for them by searching the community for mentions of “Bangalore”. Afterwards, you can join the conversations if you find them interesting. Here’s one that you may consider as intriguing.

Since you are interested in a Meet-Up, I recommend firstly to check in here if there are any already organized around you in the near future. If, however, you don’t find a Meet-Up that suits your interest or is the time is not convenient for you, feel free to organize one yourself. You can learn more about how you can plan a Meet-Up in the following articles:

I hope that you’ll find this information useful!

See you soon and don’t forget to introduce yourself to the community!