Lets meet in one place...

Hi all,

Just want to say… we all local guides are like a family… just create a whats app group so we can share our thoughts and places to other local guides. Its a wonderful if all local guides are in one place… just share your number so i can create a whats app group.

My number is


Hellow ! Mr Kaushik , nice to know about yours initiative. In group we can do wonders.Am Parveen Narang from Hisar Haryana, My whats app number is .

Thanks!! parveen for your reply… i am waiting for some more reply so i can create a group…

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Hello @LoveKaushik3 & @Naru71

A very warm welcome to connect :slight_smile:

First of all please remove your contact number as it’s against the policy of connect to share your personal information publicly. It’s not allowed to share private information on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety. People who wish to contact you can use the Private Message feature here on Connect.

As you are new here, allow me to share some information you may find helpful in making your experience here on Connect much more enjoyable and easier to navigate:

Before starting this adventurous journey on local guides connect, I suggest you to first Introduce-Yourself on May-2018 thread

I hope you will have sufficient assistance from all these links :slight_smile:



Hi @LoveKaushik3 and @Naru71 ,

As @Haseeb suggested, sharing personal information such as emails and phone numbers is not allowed here. That’s why I edited your messages.


Hi Haseeb & NadyaPN,

Sorry for updating my number here, i am new here, that why i don’t know about the policy of google guide.

@LoveKaushik3 I appreciate your idea. But would like to let you know Local Guides Connect is doing the same as well. I have seen people making unofficial Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, etc.!
Why do we need all when we already have Local Guides Connect!