Lets meet & cover missing info

Lets meet & cover missing info

Kanakakunnu Palace Road

Kanakakunnu Palace Rd, Kanaka Nagar, Nanthancodu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695033, India

March 02, 2019 @ 10:00 (IST)

Trivandrum Local Guides, let’s meet and uncover the missing info! Local Guides Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) is hosting a meet-up to uncover missing informations in Google map locations in the heart of the city and adding reviews. Based on the number of attendees team will be divided into different groups and each group will uncover . What you need to attend the meet-up: 1. Let’s have a theme (To identify each other). 2. Charged mobiles phones or cameras. 3. Money to pay the bills (Lunch/snacks) After we successfully conclude the meet-up we will be discussing a few things on how we can organize our next meetup. See you there!

RSVP here



Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Since you are new in the community, I’m sending you these 14 helpful tips for using Connect, so that you can learn more about the program and how to interact.

Thank you for organising this meet-up. I hope many people in your area will join and will be happy to meet you.

Please don’t forget to share here your recap about the missing places you’ve added on Google Maps and to show us some of your photos! Good luck!


@JustinAlex @framingthejourney @rajendrakumartvm @ysakh @AkhiSubin @Trivandrumguy @GokulRajendran @Afzal @Harishbabu @MEERTVM

Found you under Trivandrum meetup discussions. Please join the local guide meetup which will be held on 3rd march 2019 at kanakakkunnu palace ground. Spread the word among other local guides!


What is the time? What is the formality and is there any payment for participating. If there is how much it is?

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I couldn’t come due to my exams are going on…!! After March only I will come to Trivandrum… sorry…!! Next time… surely I will come…!!

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i am sharing my Mobile number here… love to hear from you guys… about the meet up… 9544928312(WhatsApp)

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@rajendrakumartvm It’s from 10 AM to 3PM. There’s no participation fee. You’ve to bring money for your lunch only. Bring your local guide friends also.

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I’ve just noticed that on your meet-up cover photo that there are Local Guides logos and pins. According to our program rules, you are not allowed to use them, so please kindly provide another cover photo.

The Local Guides logo is a Google brand identity and is reserved for official use only. Do not use the Local Guides logo, pin or any other Google imagery in any of your online or offline materials without expressed written permission.


I am actually at Kasaragod right now… I will return after March only.

Hi @KatyaL .,

How can I edit the cover picture? I couldn’t find an option to edit the event.

@doc_psy_jp @BHARATWASHI @bijusreekumar @rahulrnair @JustinAlex @Afzal

Inviting you all for this Trivandrum Local guides meetup

@Adikniranjan25 @Pajesh @anishjohnr @anixj @syedshiyazmirza @user_not_found @AmbrishVarshney @Trivandrumguy Let’s meetup on 2nd March 2018 #LocalGuidesTrivandrum

@disisthetom @dharanamal3

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That’s a cool idea do share the location and our plans.

I am unavailable on this date. I will be out of station till march 17

@Pajesh Here’s the link for marking RSVP. https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup/lets-meet-cover-missing-info Let’s meet at Kanakakkunnu palace ground on 2nd March 2019, Saturday at 10 AM and we can complete the missing informations in Google for places near Kanakakkunnu & Palayam

Thank you for tagging me but I m in Delhi @LIJIKJ brother

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This content has been removed.

Thank you for the tag. I am here in Trivandrum tomorrow but am working and don’t have the luxury of attending from 10 to 3. I will try to make it though…

Thank you for inviting me,

Sorry @LIJIKJ unfortunately I can’t reach there tomorrow.