Let's Meet - at Panchkula

Hello Guys,

I want to meet like minded people & work out on an idea to help small businessman grow organically. I would like to meet all the Google Local Guides in & around Tricity (Panchkula/Chandigarh/Mohali) to have an discussion on it. Kindly invite all the relevant people known to you. We will plan and discuss to have a monthly meeting on a fixed Sunday.

Points of Discussion:

- Introduction of us all

- How Google Search work (top three listings)

- How to write a Review Better

- How to manage Google Business Page

- How to Reply a Review

- How can we get benefited

Thanks & Regards,

Pulkit Khurana


Hello** @PulkitKhurana **

Good to see that you’re interested in hosting a meet up in Panchkula.

But you are not following the correct way to hosting a meet up.

Kindly go through this thread:

localguides meetup

I am directing my friend LG who is from Chandigarh** @Bal **

He can provide you assistance.

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Hello @IshantHP_ig ,

Thank you for sharing the link. Actually, I have no idea of connecting Google Local Guides for now. This post was a result of a random search on how to contact Google Local Guides.

Thank you for your suggestions. And I will appreciate if you can make some time for the meet.


Yeah feel free to make a meet up by the link which i have give you in my reply @PulkitKhurana

You can follow this thread to write a meet up recap post.


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Already done that… Thanks… :+1:

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Hi @PulkitKhurana

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for sharing this with us. If you want to meet other Local Guides and want to plan a tour of your region or any other place, I recommend organizing a meet-up. You can host your own meet-ups by planning it here.

Also have a look at this post How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organize a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area!

Since you are new in the community, I recommend you read this topic it suggests the various ways to engage as a part of the community.

Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

i whant to go panchkula am so excited this connect

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Hi @Rahulkumar4

Thank you for your excited to join a meet-up.

@PulkitKhurana and @Rahulkumar4 Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

it’s very nice

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Hi @Ghassanhalabieh

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for your compliment. Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

Since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit more about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce Yourself — September 2019 Also, you can read these 14 helpful tips for using Connect, and What are Connect topics?

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