Lets Map Enugu

Lets Map Enugu

Digital Dreams Ltd

No 1, Nwodo St, GRA, Enugu, Nigeria

March 25, 2017 @ 08:00

We are on an adventure to map our home town Enugu and make it accessible to the world. Join on Saturday, 25th March to take a walk and capture interesting places in the city. Time is 8.am and converging venue is Digital Dreams Limited, No 1 A Nwodo Street GRA Enugu. Thanks

RSVP here

@ChuxE check out our community on google plus here you can easily organize future events https://plus.google.com/communities/111793453837204552921
best of luck!

Head up, Enugu: Join in World Wide Map Edit Walk. 22 countries all working together to improve Maps on a global scale. RSVP ASAP. Event is Saturday. What can we do to help you tell your LG friends? Kind regards from Osaka78 https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup/enugu-map-edit