let's do gardening

Hello everyone,happy nice weekend!

What’s your plans for spending weekend time?

Oke here we go for let’s start look my small plant, simple gardening,and thisplants for cooking seasonings.

Only use plastic bottles, or used cans and soil, you can make your own small garden.any questions leave the comments !

See you next post!


@Nyainurjanah Nice hobby. When you cook and use those seasonings, please also share it with us.

I was a bit busy hunting about craft in my area. I join #monthlytopic, so I would like to write a post for this month as usual.


Great job @Nyainurjanah ,

You can reuse the bottles or many plastic matters for gardening hobby.

You have supported the program “local guides clean the world” keep your best to help each others, thank you

Warm Regards

PaDeSSo ~ Bandung
Indonesia Local Guides


This is simply Great, @Nyainurjanah

Recycling and reusing you help the environment, as mentioned by @PaDeSSo (the link to #localguidescleantheworld is here below) and makes your own garden.

I know @KarenVChin will be interested in knowing more about the way you use to build-up your vegetables garden


@Ant_Bad_Yogi sure,i try applying this seasonings with food next time.maybe simple food, mention @955HIRO for experts especially about food.

Can’t wait waiting your post about craft!


Assalamualaikum @PaDeSSo just thing simple and do it.not something complicated

I’m happy hear for be a part local guide clean the world


Hi @Nyainurjanah can you help me to bring my gift for Mr @ErmesT .

I want ro give him my acrylic home made for campaign #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld

Warm Regards

PaDeSSo ~ Bandung
Indonesia Local Guides


Wow @ErmesT thank you for the link, I’m so exited !

@KarenVChin let’s do together!


Big surprise and big honour for me Bapak @PaDeSSo bring gift local guide clean the world message to Mr. @ErmesT . Sure I am very willing



Good evening. It is a great honor to mention me. Thank you very much. You have a wonderful garden. A simple and recycled garden is very nice. I thought I could make four dishes by looking at the photos you posted. Okonomiyaki using Spring onion,Spring onion and clams soup ginger flavor,spicy fried Surawung and shrimp, fried garlic with Roay and squid. I’m sure I can make delicious dishes. Thank you very much. Regard


Syahdu sekali hidup di desa dataran tinggi (Sukabumi-red)


@Nyainurjanah, ahhh, you are backyard /balcony gardener too! I started a summer veggie garden again after several years of not having one for my children to learn about where food comes from and for them to pick their own veggies. Here is my prep on what it took to get this to finally have my them get to harvest last month:

It doesn’t take much to grow tomatoes - just water, sun, and a container, which was made with redwood boards and a homemade trellis using leftover netting tied to poles which are nailed to the raised vegetable container box.

My children are loving fresh vine-ripened tomatoes with their meals that they get to pick themselves and are learning that tomatoes are not always red in color.

I would also include that my children are growing sunflowers from sunflower seed. as part of their school lesson. They are growing them out of used cardboard juice cartons (can also use milk cartons too).

I am hoping their sunflowers will grow and blossom before it turns cold and dark. We are heading towards the Fall Season.

Do you know for your spring onions, you can continue growing them in water, not dirt. Just take one of the roots (the white part with the roots, cut and eat the green part) and plant it in a little water (a cup of water) and leave it by your window. It will continue to grow and become a new spring onion as you have in your first photo. We do this all the time with ours, including during the winter. It is a fun science experience that works and is edible!

Hope you are able to fly in early and join @ermest and I for our Local Guides Clean the World – Connect Live 2019 Edition Meetup.

Look forward to meeting you. Less than 65 days to go!




It’s a very a good. Having small backyard garden is actually interesting. It keeps you busy and give you a sense of fulfillment knowing that you are doing something worthwhile. On the other hand. Keeping a garden helps reduce C02 from the atmosphere and reduce food shortages .


Hi @Nyainurjanah

Your Spring Onion and Surawung look very healthy and I also like the way you recycle plastic bottles and used cans for your garden. Very envornmentally friendly! Thank you for sharing.


Hi @955HIRO

Your Okonomiyaki using Spring onion looks very creative, interesting and delicious. Can you describe how you would make it?


Hi @KarenVChin

Your veggie garden looks great and I can see that it would be a great way for children to learn about where food comes from and they can also pick their own veggies. I wondered if that makes them more willing to eat their veggies?



Good evening. I am very honored to praise my okonomiyaki. I love cooking and acting with family and friends. Everyone will smile when they eat delicious food. I smile when I see everyone’s smile. I smile is the most important priority. Here are some topics about my okonomiyaki. Thank you very much. Regard

Okonomiyaki with shrimp



Great @955HIRO no doubt you’re experts, okonomiyaki with spring onion look pretty nice,of course I’m so glad my little plants in your hand becomes delicious dishes with attractive colors,so proud of you @955HIRO

Here my real roay FYI because picture before only leaves


Alhamdulillah pak @PrasetyoBWidagdo disyukuri,jika ada kesempatan berkunjung ke Sukabumi, silahkan mampir ke tempatku


Hello @KarenVChin , wow wow, your garden very pretty nice,so neat and i can feel you’re really serious caring for plants, plants on juice cartoon also very cute.

You’re inspired me,promise to my self when I’ becoming a mother, teach my child about plants since childhood, my pray for health and warm heart to your children.

Based on your suggest, today I’m try spring onions and little water,not complicated for me so just do it,please check this and wish me luck

And last I’m really excited for local guide clean the world with mr @ErmesT , but my flight schedule arrivals 11 November night.Thank you so much for kind description about your garden and great suggest, meet you in November and let me learn more and more :pray:.

