I never been abroad for more than three days. This time is my first long long journey to USA from my country, it takes more than 15 hours to reach another continent.
Let us imagine, if there is a post graduate student that has to study far away from home for years. Going back to his country vice versa must be a huge expenditure. He has to adjust to certain circumstances that is very different from his own habit in his own country.
Then comes homesickness feeling. Suddenly he cannot do anything. He cannot study, he feels sad but he doesn’t know why. He always think of his home. He thinks of his own room, even he thinks of his neighbor, that in common situation, he never thinks about that. All he wants is his home.
Life is going slow and he still has to do daily routine, like eat and go to campus. One day, he has to go to market because there is no food anymore in his refrigerator. After get his stuffs, his eyes see something familiar in a small shop. He walks in and … there is…there is…his own local foods! How happy he is! In a second, he already talks with the seller, his own country fellow. He feels very happy and suddenly his world becomes bright, as if he has going home. From time to time he goes there if he feels homesick.
Homesickness is a distress while a person is being away from home. He always think of his home, trying to find similar objects in his current location, to make him feeling better. And, because of the influence of the internet, it is easy to find you want nearby. Also for homesickness feelings. One of the attachment objects that maybe could find anywhere is food. By eating his local food, talk in his own language, and interact with his country fellow, homesickness feeling will be lessen.
It is amazed that food can lessen homesickness feeling. First, the ingredients is make a certain feeling in our mind, make us feels at home, with our daily home cook. In a place where you know nobody, everything is different and you talk in different language, a similar food can make us comfortable. After we full, we feel relax, we feel that we can overcome every obstacle and feeling comfortable with every newness we have. Food can make such influence to us. And this a good news that we can get everything we want through internet. So, if we cannot find a similar food, we can make ut. We just need to adjust several ingredients that we cannot find locally.