Leave Your Mark

I’ve lived in Austin, Texas for the last year and a half. For the last several months I knew I would be leaving Austin (and perhaps Texas) and I wanted to have an easy, fun way to remember my time here. Having lived in other states and other countries, it has always been nice to look back on those places using Google Maps to see my starred places. But I had never contributed anything to those places I had starred. To create a better, lasting memory, I began leaving reviews and photos on places I visited in Austin, whether it was a restaurant, tea place, antique shop, or park, I left reviews and photos so I could look back through my contributions and recall all of the great places in Austin I’ve enjoyed. Little did I know that these contributions would others as much as they have. It’s great to see all of the likes on my reviews and the hundreds of views on my photos. This has encouraged me to contribute more, and put more effort into the reviews. Knowing I can impact the life of a stranger by influencing a decision to go somewhere is a really amazing thing!

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