Hi guys, this is my first post in this Local Guides Connect and I want to share a trace of my life. This is my last vacation with dad, which I never expected before. So before my father died, he always wanted a photo of where I was.
This is the “Bukit Sekipan” located in Tawangmangu, Karanganyar district, Indonesia. This tourist area, which opened since 2015, is increasingly becoming a favorite place for families to spend time together on weekends. The arena is quite complete until the inn is available at this tourist spot.
Yunitaratih61 though it is painful but you love this visit as your beloved father was with you, I am sure wherever you go he will be with you. This destination is quite peaceful and is a Nature’s treasure.
thanks kak , btw aku insyaallah bakalan ikut meet up yang kakak adain. Morning Walk di Kampung Sanan kan. Aku juga bakal ngajak temen-temenku juga rencananya .
Mari bergabung bersama kami jalan-jalan Photowalk di Kampung Wisata Sanan hari Sabtu ini. Silakan ajak teman-temannya biar rame. Hehee… terima kasih banyak
NB: Sedikit saran, kalau Kak @yunitaratih61 membalas pesan/komen seseorang di Connect ini, barangkali ada baiknya untuk juga men-tag seseorang yang bersangkutan.
Caranya ketik simbol @ yang kemudian diikuti dengan nama/username seseorang tersebut.
Dengan begini seseorang tersebut bisa tahu kalau pesan/komennya dibalas. Ada notifikasinya.Hehee…