Today I say about largest Navaratna Temple of Bangladesh. Navaratna temple in Noborotno Para Village. It is called Dolmoncho by the local people.
Time of Establishment
This is a Hindu religion temple which was build some of the time being 1704-1728.One Name Ramnath Bhaduri was build this temple on the ruling time of Murshid Khuli Khan(1704-1720 A.D).
It is a three storied temple. Frist floor has two barandha two side entrance second and third floor has no barandha. One stair inside the temple to go up.It`s around 15.4m Square stand on high plinth. Classical terracotta found in the temple wall(found in picture). Contemporary three small temple found in the premises one of them was highly decorated by terracotta. This one is same architecture of the Kantajer temple of Dinajpur by shape. Each bricks are soking by Ghee of the temple it’s a legend of the temple.
Two other temple of the premisses.
How to go
You found different north Bengal transport from Dhaka to Sirajganj. You drop from the bus at atikumrul-Sirajganj more Bus stop. A riksha carry you at Noboratno Para village. The temple is few kilometers north-east from the stoppage.
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