Lankaramaya temple photo walk

Lankaramaya temple photo walk

Lankaramaya Dagoba

Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

March 21, 2019 @ 15:30 (+0530)

Hi everyone lets meetup in Anuradhapura. This time photo walk to Lankaramaya temple for capturing a photos of temple and add missing places and information (tickets , toilets ,near place for rest tourist information,police stations,car parks ,etc ) to the Google map. So i invite to the join with us and have enjoy ,like to meet you venue 21 st February 2019 at 3.30 pm Lankkaramaya temple car park. NOte : wear suitable dress to temple,sacred places ( white,charm long dress),bring water bottle,cap,umbrella,camera,phone and chargers After meet up we can have go for tea near place and we can discuss our meetup and up comings

RSVP here


Hi @vijaih ,

Thanks a lot for sharing this invitation for a meet-up with the other Local Guides in your area!

I hope you will take amazing photos and share them with us!

Here you can see some tips how to write a great recap after your meet-up.

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Thank you so much @KatyaL