Lagos Connect Live 2019 through my eyes

So Connect Live came to my community and in one word, Explosive! I’ll tell you as much as I can describe the event from where I stand…or sit.

This was a conglomerate of knowledge, fun, laughter, emotions and then some. I will take you step by step to let you into a glimpse of this power pack of an event. I won’t make this a long read.

  1. The registration

First surprise (and a major one). We were provided name tags and attached to the lanyards were pins. You know the badges you get based on your contributions on maps, (see pix.1)? Yup, the organisers made actual badges and pinned to the lanyards reflecting what you have on your profile. So everyone had at least 2 for being invited. The very active ones got up to 7 badges making them look like decorated Generals.

This ended up being an ice breaker as people went around getting familiar with others by checking what badges they had. This was a thrill, trust me!

  1. The Sessions

Presentations began with the statistics of the invited guides read out. Those in the room were responsible for over 90,000 photos on Google map; remarkable! The Googler panel session that followed got us to know more about activities and contributions on the map. Eye-opening if you ask me.There was a panel of 4 who spoke on different aspects including street view, Editing places, adding business on the maps, etc.

  1. Breakout sessions

The breakout sessions were more like an exchange of views feedback and ideas and they couldn’t let that happen without adding fun to the fabric. I personally got a lot from other local guides which helped me to know what more I should add to my style in contributing on maps.

  1. community Spotlights and Interviews

During this session, we got to hear from Local guides on how and why they are inspired to do what they do as Local guides. @EmekaUlor on his passion for accessibility told a touching story about his friend from school who was confined to using crutches. @HelloSamsonR spoke on how to be relevant on Connect. He made it look so cool and such a big deal…it is!

@ChiomaJ spoke on how Local guides can help with the issue of rape and …… by adding hospitals and counselling centres on Google Maps.
Then there was an interview session by @TiffanyBnyc with yours truly where I discussed my work flow with adding photos on Maps.

Then there was a session with a popular food blogger and stylist; very educative.

  1. Last session

Another surprise.

So, we were to meet at a hall to have drinks and interact and I got in there hearing people screaming. You what the organisers did? The took some of our pictures off of Maps, printed, framed and hung on the wall for display…with the names of the Local guides. I call it The Wall of Frames

We were also allowed to take them home. This was as shocking as it was emotional. I recall a local guide who didn’t bother checking because he felt, ‘I’m on level 6’. I told him to check for the fun of it and he came back with a frame of his picture. I can’t describe the emotions that caused. This was the height. I was beginning to feel, it was too much and that I don’t think I’ve done as much contributions to deserve the entire package. Then there was a plaque for everyone showing their achievements.

Listen, the organising team did a fantastic job making the event go smooth. They made look like it was simple but you look at the quality of all the elements and I think to myself, ‘dang it, that must have cost them time, resources, dedication, energy and then some. The quality of the shows, the gifts, everything. Then we still got to go home with a ‘goodie bag’ with an interesting figure…the peg man. My pegman has already begun going places lol.

I can’t thank the Local guides team enough! Na, I can’t. I have to pay back…payback in contributions and begins today!! (ok, I mean at the time of writing, 2 days ago). My words here couldn’t describe the intensity and quality of this event, trust me.

Thank you Google, Thank you Local Guides Program for making us super proud to belong!!

Hey @U-royFelixA @KarenVChin we had great fun!


Oh, Congrats @bassey to be part of the first station of Connect Live 2019.

Thanks a lot for sharing your moments with us.


Veey nice post @bassey ! And great you shared your experience with the audience! Hope to meet you one day :slight_smile:


@bassey , thank you for sharing this extraordinary experience with us.

Your post is inspiring because through your nice photos and detailed description I could feel the emotions you all were living during the summit. Congratulations for this important achievement !!!


@bassey One word… Amazing! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


How cool is of all this @bassey !

Google does an amazing job and greatly appreciated all of our contributions to both the Local Guides Program and what we do for Google Maps!

I can only imagine what all the screaming and laughing was like when you all saw your framed photos. The joy, the tears, the finger pointing! = ) That is so cool to be able to bring these home with you too - I see you have a trio with your name on them.

Where will you be showcasing these and your Google Maps award statute in your house? You need to take a photo and post it here for us, fellow Local Guides Connect community members, can admire from a far!




Looks amazing!! :slight_smile:


My pleasure @Amiran thanks for reading. What stood out the most, for you?


Thanks @OSAMA hope we meet too. Thanks for your comment too.


Thank you @Giuseppe75 trust me, my post didn’t do justice in description of the event. It was mind blowing.


@KarenVChin it was amaze balls! I’m crazy about the LG program now. I’m not stopping. I’ll transfer the zeal to my kids. I kept telling the organizers thank you thank you. I think I over did it but I don’t care. I’m fired up to give back. My cameras will take the heat too.

I plan to hang them on the wall when I get back from my trip. Then I’ll post it here


@bassey Beside having fun in summits, as I mentioned all time, sharing ideas is most important part of such programs about Maps and Local Guides because this helps improvement and going forward.


I totally agree @Amiran thanks for your contribution


@bassey , I can imagine how was great and extraordinary this event but the amazing thing is to have seen it through the big passion of a Local Guide like you. Thank you again for sharing!!!


Thank you so much for the great words at me. It was indeed amazing for me and all of us.

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