Lac du Mail à Orsay France

Lac du mail , Small lake of 1 ha rich in white fish and pretty carps, depth about 1.5m

More photos in AK.LABPHOTOS Instagram



Thanks for sharing this lovely photo. Where is this place? Do you live near by? Is this a park? It looks lovely for sure. Perhaps you can add more information that will be interesting for others too. It’s always good to have text for others to understand it.

Also, I’ve resized your photo to make it stand out more. Thanks!

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Hi @DanniS

TThank you for your recommendations.

This is “le Lac du mail” it’s a parc in ORSEY near PARIS .My sister leave near this place she took a photos a putt then in her Instagram page.


@KARICAT a very charming place, I saw it on Google Maps and it looks very beautiful, I hope I can visit it when I go to Paris in November, thanks for sharing!
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Wonderful shot @KARICAT the lake looks very beautiful.

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