Lac d'Annecy


Hello @user_not_found ,

Please excuse my reply in English.

Thank you for these amazing photos of Annecy Lake. Do you live nearby or you were on vacation there?

Please add more details about the photos you’ve shared and tell us about your experience while taking them? This way they can be appreciated even more by other Local Guides, and can drive more interaction.

I’ve noticed you have uploaded a lot of pictures here on Connect and while we love seeing photos, I wanted to remind you that there’s a photo limit here on Connect (currently 1,000 photos). If you reach this limit, you’ll have to delete older images before uploading new images.

If you want to share other photos, please add a link to an album on Google Photos or to any other place where you have these pictures stored, so we can all take a look.

Hi! , oui j’habite sur le bord du lac d’Annecy, à Duingt (perle du lac :wink: )

bonne soirée

Oh @user_not_found ,

This is amazing. Living at a place like this is one of my dreams. From your pictures I can see how calm, clear and silent it is.

Are there any water activities or attractions available on the lake?

Oui, tout à fait . Mais il y a le flux des touristes et …

Mais bon, c’est beau !!!

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