Anyone want to meet up? I’ve just started this whole local-guiding thing so would be nice to meet others in the area and get something to eat and/or drink.
Date is totally flexible, I would suggest meeting at HUB in Yodobashi Camera near Kyoto Station for place.,135.758611,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x600108af6d1dba47:0x2242932f93bcf13f!8m2!3d34.9879445!4d135.7584751
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Hi @CorbinInJapan and welcome to Connect!
Your enthusiast is refreshing! I think that the idea is great, but before organizing the event you can check in here if there are any already organized near you. If not, I suggest you review this post. In there you’ll find a lot of useful tips that will help you out with the organization.
Since you are new in Connect, here are some tips about being part of the community:
Note: Promoting or posting on behalf on businesses, brands and organizations is not allowed here in Connect.
See you soon,
Hi @KlaudiyaG I have already read the links you posted, and I am not promoting any business or anything of the like. I just suggested it because it is close to the station and has reasonable prices, therefore would be a good location for a meet up. If you are not in Kyoto currently, I’m not really sure why you posted… I have already checked to see if there are meet ups scheduled, there are none. So thank you for your post but it was not really necessary.
If this is not the place to post such a suggestion, perhaps I should just start a Facebook event, but that would kind of defeat the purpose…
Hi again @CorbinInJapan ,
I’m sorry if I offended you, it wasn’t my intention!
The intention of my post was to welcome you into the community and I took the liberty to suggest you some guidelines as well as some tips, which I thought you might find helpful.
Feel free to disregard my previous post.
Kind Regards,
Hi @KlaudiyaG ,
Sorry if I sounded offended, I didn’t mean it that way. Thank you for your welcome, I just didn’t understand why you post in the discussion if you didn’t live Kyoto.
In in any case, hope you have a good day.
Best regards,