Looking for a nice bicycle tour in the border area of Germany and the Netherlands and loving art, than the Kunstwegenroute might be something to explore.
The route can be starte from Zwolle(NL), upstream, or from Ohne(D)downstream along the Overijsselse Vecht or Vechte.
There is a very well presented book, map and brochure available, which you can order online. I recommend to cycle circles around a starting pointing explore nearby cities like, Nordhorn, Oldenzaal, Enschede, Dalfsen and Zwolle. The route is very easy to cycle, no steep hills, and along the routes you will find enough places to have a rest, a good meal and a drink or two. It is adviced for dinner to reserve a table at all times in these COVIDtimes. The restaurants have less tables and in general are short in staff so they will manage there capacity. Apart from this nice bicycle route there are plenty of there museums and sites to explore, but in that case a car will be needed for a more easy access. The pictures below will not give away all, because i think you will have to wonder and wander around by yourself.