The first two pictures are the depiction of sunsets at dusk The tourist can easily feel the chill of sunset before evening.
This is the time to return from the sunrise point of Kuakata. Its little challenging to reach the place at late night before sunrise because that place is so far from the beach point. In addition, to come back from that place is very adventurous. Because the water level of the sea is rising so rapidly after sunrise.
This is the view of that place when the sun rises in the sky at down.
This is the only beach in Bangladesh where tourists have the opportunity to see the both views of sunrise and sunset . Thousands of tourists go there to see the amazing views of Kuakata Sea Beach and some of the tourist spots near by the beach.
You can directly travel to this tourist spot from Dhaka to Kuakata via Barishal City. All the opportunities of hotel and motel are available there within moderate expenses.
If you want to explore Bangladesh then never miss the location mentioned here.
Location in the Google map: