Kid Book Themes: Ideas and Feedback

Hello Guides community!

Here in the Twin Cities, we enjoy the best of big city life while being blessed with nature right next door. Urban and rural families are meeting up more and more here, people with diverse backgrounds are mixed with people who come from entirely different situations, and all this plays out vividly from my vantage in Minnetonka. In order to best help my own 10 year old kid (and his friends, hopefully!) understand diversity and all the complex issues that come with being raised in a diverse community, I decided to write a series of books using animals to get the point across easier.

The main themes are: encouragement, inclusiveness, and dealing with frustration, but also underlying themes about how we as a community can treat one another better.

My Google Guides participation thus far has been to spread the word about how great our diverse community is, but I was hoping for some feedback from that very community to provide ideas for themes you’d be interested in kids learning about, beginning with 4th-5th grade-level themes. Or any others that anybody who has lived in rural and urban environments feels are important enough to teach the kids so the next generation isn’t as bitter toward differences as our current social climate… Starting a campaign of literacy and education about things that school skips out on. #NINJACAT Thanks in advance for any participation!


Hello @TonkaTravels

Nice to find your post here. I see you like children. Are you a writer or illustrator? I hope you can realize the book. As a local guide we can share many things, not just contributions to the map. That is fun.

Let’s guide!

Hi @AndrianN

Thanks for your reply! I’m both illustrator and author (I’ve got another non-kids book already published) and hope to have a new book ready for fall! Gotta educate the youth. My kid is 10 so it’s for him and his friends, hopefully something for parents to learn, too :slight_smile: