Kelompok Wanita Tani "PINTAR" Peduli Lingkungan Sekitar #SupportLocalBusiness

Sungguh luar biasa, yang dilakukan oleh para ibu binangkit warga Rw. 15 komplek Bumi Cibiru Raya .

Memanen Kangkung Organik

Mereka tergabung dalam kelompok wanita tani “Pintar” (Peduli Lingkungan Sekitar), tanpa kenal lelah, terus berusaha membuat lahan kosong dan sampah yang bertebaran di lingkungan sekitar menjadi produktif.

Didukung oleh Bapak-bapak dan pemuda karang Taruna serta sokongan aparat Desa setempat, kegiatan makin berkembang menghasilkan berbagai produk unggulan.

Lahan kosong disulap menjadi lahan garapan yang menghasilkan sayur-sayuran organik non pestisida. Digarap swadaya dan bisa dibeli dengan memetik sendiri oleh warga sekitar, Pemerintah daerah juga memberi perhatian berupa sumbangan fasilitas Green House untuk lebih meningkatkan kapasitas produksi.

Bank Sampah menghimpun aneka sampah di rumah warga dikonversi menjadi tabungan, sehingga warga makin bijak memilih dan memilah sampah di rumah masing-masing.

Sampah organik dikumpulkan dan diproses menjadi kompos, pupuk kering dan cair, hasilnya bisa dijual juga dimanfaatkan oleh warga.

Kesadaran akan pelestarian lingkungan ini patut diacungi jempol berdampak besar pada pola bermasyarakat yang lebih dinamis dan terjaga, silaturahmi makin erat, lingkungan bersih terawat, ekonomi makin meningkat, serta konsumsi sayuran yang sehat.

Semoga semua langkah positif ini makin banyak dilakukan, tiap individu mempunyai kewajiban yang sama untuk menjaga lingkungan sekitar, Aamiin.

#LGCTW @ErmesT

Salam Salut

Dedi Sopandi Sofwan



Thank you for this post, @PaDeSSo

It is so important what they are doing to reduce garbage and reuse, that are two fundamental steps to care and to improve the environment.

I am tagging here our master gardener, @KarenVChin , as I think she will be extremely interested to the process too.

Well done


Happy New Year @PaDeSSo ! This is a great post!

I love community gardens. I especially love it when it teaches the community to grow their own food organically.

As you know, food tastes better when you grow it yourself. it is fresher, healthier, and above all has TASTE!

As @ErmesT stated, I belong to my local University of California Master Gardeners program. We teach the community how to garden and to grow their own food in their yards/balconies.

We have two community gardens that are our teaching gardens. All the food we grow goes to the local homeless/ families in need shelter. One garden grows 12,000 tons (12 million kilograms!) of vegetables and fruits per year organically!

I also take in orphan plants or plants that people don’t want and would throw away in the garbage.

This is one of my latest finds. You might me familiar with cymbidium orchids.

My next door neighbor is moving out of state. They could not take their outdoor orchid plants with them due to you can’t move plants from one state to another due to agricultural rules. So I rescue them from the trash can.

These started to bloom last week.

I always thought orchids were sub tropical. They grow beautifully in tropical climate outdoors. Here I only see orchids are grown indoors.

Funny thing, it is winter here and it gets down to the mid 30F at night (or close to 0C). These orchids have always been outdoor plants in this climate.

Thanks for tagging me @ErmesT !

