Kattas Raj Temple

Originally called Katkasha (strings of tears), Kattas Raj holds a very significant place in the history of sub-continent. Vedic Scriptures reveals an event related to Shiv, whose inconsolable grief at the death of his wife Sati led to a rain of tears which formed a pool of water here.

Kattas Raj dates back to 1500 years ago, consisting of 7 temples (Saat Grahas), out of which five are remaining in their original form, were built by famous Panduva Brothers from MahaBharata after defeated by Kuruavas.

These clicks were taken during my recent visit of Kallar Kahar region.

From Left to Right 1 : Ramachandra Temple, Satghara temples
2: Pool of Shiv tears, picture of me, Hanuman Temple
3: Overview of Katas complex



Thanks for sharing nice pics. Keep going.



Thanks for appreciating.


Thanks for sharing a great post related to my home town.


Thank you @nabeeltirmazi Bhai for sharing such a great informative post about National Heritage of Pakistan. We should expect the sequel of this post, So please introduce more ancient places of Pakistan To the world.

Shukriya :pray:


Thanks for appreciating, will be uploading more of this stuff…Pakistan is rich of such places, just trying to overcome my laziness :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes you are right @nabeeltirmazi Bhai.

By the way, you can tag my typing @ before name, so I can get notifications about your reply comment.

Shukriya :pray:


@nabeeltirmazi thanks for such a nice sharing. We need to focus on highlighting more of these here.

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Hi @nabeeltirmazi

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. How can we reach this place and when is the best time to visit it?

What activites can you do around? Can you share a bit more information about the place and your experience while taking these photos. I think it will be interesting for other Local Guides.

I would like to suggest that you take a look at these 14 helpful tips for using Connect

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Thank you very much @Bilal_shaikh

Thanks @Aruni for the tips, will update accordingly

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