This photo was taken Two days earlier from Tatulia the north-west border of Bangladesh. It’s The Kanchanjangha.
The view is amazing, thanks for sharing them here @engrNasir
Thanks for your inspiring comment.
@engrNasir please don’t forget to type “@” before my name or other LG name when you want to communicate with them or they won’t be alerted of your comment at all!
@Sophia_Cambodia Thanks for your advice.
You are warmly welcome dear @engrNasir
@GaziSalauddinbd Thanks bro for your appreciation.
Wonderful view of the Kanchanjangha Hill fromBangladesh
Thank you for sharing with us @engrNasir
@engrNasir thanks a lot for sharing amazing picture. This year people watching this beautiful hill from there clearly
@AbdullahAM Thanks for your comment.
@MahabubMunna Thanks for your comment bro.
@AbdusSattar Thanks bro.
@engrNasir thanks for sharing this amazing photo.
@MehadeHasan Thanks bro.
@engrNasir Your added picture are so nice. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful picture.