Acclaimed Japanese textile artist, Toshiko Horiuchi-MacAdam, was used to designing and crocheting art installations both indoors and outdoors. These structures gained her worldwide attention and admiration. The lightbulb in her inventive mind went off, however, when she saw a child crawl onto her artwork and treat it like a hammock. From then on, she knew her creations could be used for both art and play.
Fortunately for me, I (Jordan) live in the city of arts and innovation…Winston-Salem, NC. Our esteemed children’s museum, Kaleideum, saw the art-pieces online and in the news and reached out when it was time to anchor the Suprise Garden exhibit in 2013. Horiuchi-MacAdam hand-dyed and hand-crocheted the almost 800 pounds of netting for the structure over the course of nine months. She then shipped it to the museum from Japan and even visited Winston-Salem to assist with the installation.
Now, my twin boys and 1-year-old son can all scale this unique jungle gym and enjoy being a kid…all the while not knowing they are enjoying an expensive piece of art at the same time. I guess we can all be art lovers.
@ErmesT , your post about Artesella makes me wish I was closer to see it. Here is to keeping my fingers crossed to visit one day or find similar places elsewhere on Maps.
That’s very creative, colorful and interesting looking art @JordanSB . I love art but even more so art that allows viewer physical interaction/participation. Given that it’s hand-crocheted, how resiliant is it to retaining its shape?
Thank you for introducing us to this wondrous place @JordanSB . It looks quite big from your 360 photos, how long does it take to make a full tour? Also, can older kids play?
Please note that I relabeled your post to Local Stories, as you have included information about a positive place in your community.
The building is large, @VasT , but you can make it through the entire museum in around 2 hours. This is a perfect size because it allows children to come back to favorite exhibits with any remaining time you have. Older kids can play as well. The exhibits probably would lose a child’s interest by age 10-12, however. Some of the structures can be somewhat small and limiting. There are great climbing structures inside, though! Perfect for older kids! See the photo below…
I live in Winston Salem as well and I like it here. I have not been to this place yet. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I came to your profile when I was trying to be the first person to post a picture of one place ( The habit burguer grill in clemmons) , I could’ve done it another day and I forgot to, and then when I came today you had already taken the pictures hahahaha. I checked your profile and I am a big supporter of your work. You’ve grinded really hard. I had never found someone over level 8 around Winston Salem. Lately I’ve started to get deep on local guides and I like it a lot. I’m glad I was able to find you man.
So cool to see another Winston-Salem Local Guide on here, @mariorosas !
I have tried many times to organize meetups and see who is out there. Yes, the Habit Burger is actually right near my house and I can run by there. I have tried to take good photos and write good reviews of all the new shops in the new shopping center developments ion Clemmons. Makes it easy being a LG when so much new stuff is coming in all the time!
Yes, hahaha It is so much easier when there are so many new things. Honestly I am excited about how WS is growing and it’s a pleasure to find you, and know that I am not alone, even better to find someone with an experience way broader than mine.
I always wanted to get involved on Google Maps local guides , but I was conditioned by the circumstances, but now I can, and I have enjoyed it a lot. I really like google and it’s products, now have a pixel 3 and it sure has made it easier. The return of my desire to join was fueled by a conversation with my friends. I was talking to one of them about a picture that had 40k views, my overall was 60k and had few pics, and I was kinda bragging and he did not know his total as he had not checked in long and he had 80k views, and then a friendly competition started. But honestly is more about the fun than the competition.
Hopefully we can find more local guides, I will do my best to do so, and if possible do a meet up. that I haven’t seen any in the area (GSO, Charlotte, even Raleigh).
A couple days ago I went to a WS Dash game and noticed the Team Hanes Store was not on the map, and I felt very proud to add it, I feel so good contributing and I am 1 place creation away from getting the expert Trailblazer badge.
@JordanSB is it appropriate to create a post here to ask a question, if so what is the best category? I’d think the how-to category, but I am not quite sure. Because I want to know more about Google map questions about places. Some questions I don’t know if they are specific enough. When it asks me if the place has high chairs I don’t know if it’s trying to know if that is an option to sit or if it only has high chairs and not low chairs. Because some places have both. And other questions like that.
As for your query about the ‘Questions’ feature in Google Maps, the How Tos board is where to pose questions like that. But to answer your question about high chairs, in the US, most restaurants provide high chairs or chairs meant for babies and toddlers so they can eat at a normal table. This question is helping to clarify if the business is kid friendly. I have to check most restaurants for this feature since I have a 1 year old baby.
Maybe you and I can plan a meetup in the area soon, @mariorosas !
I love when people find out their own stats in Google Maps and catch the LG bug. It definitely happened to me. I had a few photos get near a million views and then a few months back I went well over 100 million views total. It will happen for you soon enough!
Thanks for clarifying. It didn’t make a lot of sense that the question would be about pubs chairs. I thought well maybe too tall for old people hahaha. Thanks for clarifying that.
Yeah , it’s exciting to start that way. And soon you get more into it and then start posting more. It’s so fun honestly. I like doing it and I plan to continue doing so. I was shocked when I saw the amount of views you had. You’ve done an excellent job. I’m excited to see how the app evolves with time too. Also I like the idea of planning a local guides meet up as well.