Kadgli هي مدينه توجد جن

وب السودان وهي منطقة سياحية وهذه صورة لمدخل المدينة


Kadgliمن اجمل مدن السودان السياحية حيث توجد بها شلالات كلبي المشهورة

وقلي السياحية هذا يمثل مدخل للمدينة حيث توجد اشجار المهوقني

Hi @Yn1 ,

Thank you for sharing. Can you tell us a bit more about the tourists area? What activities can you do while there?

Including more information in your post makes it more interesting for other Local Guides. To learn how you can create more engaging content on Connect, find great tips, and more, please feel free to check the following article: Your guide to Connect.

Keep in mind that I merged your post with your previous one as they are about the same place.