just waiting for the moment to get a beautiful sunset picture

in almost all parts of the world, many people can enjoy the beauty of the setting sun, as well as me who is very lucky to be able to enjoy some moments of sunset in a different place,
sometimes the sun is a source of inspiration for some people, some opportunities for the sun to be a source of enthusiasm for peoples.just share the beauty of the sunset that you look.

I took the picture at 5:30 p.m. when the sun was almost setting and the fishermen were unloading fish from their ship. I took pictures with a mirrorless camera with a standard lens from the camera, not with difficult techniques, just waiting for the right moment. while for the other sunset images I take at different times and places, for example sunset images under this text.

I took pictures of the sunset over this text in the area of ​​Bantul, Yogyakarta,Central Java,Indonesia, it was 6:00 p.m. and the sky was cloudy and once again I was lucky to capture the beautiful moment from sunset, not with complicated photography techniques and sophisticated equipment, just waiting for the right moment, you know sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting, we must compete with time to get the right moment.
And the last is my favorite picture of sunset, I take on Da Nang Vietnam, I was there at 7:00 p.m. with a cloudy sky. and I was surprised to see the sunset at that time, in the country where I lived at the same time 7:00 p.m. sky had darkened.

can you share the sunset picture you have ever taken from your camera? can your share your story about sunset ? why sunset make your day more excited? hopefully sunset always makes us happy and know each other. #letsguides guys ^ _ ^


Hi @RivaniRahmadani luar biasa foto anda sangat menakjubkan. Selamat berkontribusi. Salam

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Thank you @RivaniRahmadani for sharing your nice photos.

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@Lera76 terimakasih :slight_smile:


your welcome @AbdullahAM ^-^

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Halo @RivaniRahmadani ,

Terima kasih telah berbagi foto pemandangan sunset yang indah ini, mungkin kamu juga bisa berbagi tips bagaimana dapat menghasilkan foto yang bagus.

Pastinya ditunggu cerita dan pengelaman menarik kamu selanjutnya!

Semangat terus dalam berkontribusi.


halo @AngieYC terimakasih

selalu semangat berkontribusi, semoga bermanfaat :slight_smile: