In this post, I’ve written about my most favorite things that I love to do on Goggle Map and my journey with Goggle Local Guides. If you have couple of free minutes in your hand then feel free to read this one and share your experience here too.
Following the preternatural tittle of this post I would like to inform you that I’ve the “Just Right” OCD; all the little imperfections always bothers me! Therefore, I always try to keep things neat and clean. As a result, whenever I find any misspelled name of a place, no space in-between the name or even a name which started with the smaller letter instead of a Capital letter, etc. then I take less than a few seconds to Edit that on the Map! I’ve edited a lot of places’ name already. Almost everyday I get an email from Goggle Maps saying that "Thanks for the edit to …". Doing this not just gives me satisfactions but also I get the chance to improve the overall quality of the Google Maps.
Another thing l love most is checking the facts. It’s just a Click, takes less than a second but the impact is really substantial! While doing that sometimes I even get to stop a wrong Edit via clicking on the option, NO. This small but significant task is my most favorite thing to do on Google Maps.
Saying these, I also love to Answer Questions that pops up on the screen. Is the place wheelchair accessible or not, do they take Cash only, and things. Furthermore, I really love to answer questions of other people about different places, regarding various topics. Meanwhile, really love it whenever I get to see that someone liked my given answer. I helped! That’s such a wonderful feeling, to be honest.
All in all, apart from writing reviews and uploading photos, I really love to make the existing Google Maps even better via mostly doing these small but purposeful deeds and would continue doing so in the upcoming future.