Just outside of MEEKS in Gardnerville Nevada


Hi @Renotex welcome to connect. Your pictures are really beautiful. It will be nice if you could explain it in a paragraph or more, also the category you have chosen doesn’t seems to be local business, categories like nature & attraction suits more on it. All the best :+1:t2:


Usually I would say “welcome to Connect, the home of the Local Guides” @Renotex .
We are a worldwide community, and for most of us your photo and your post in general is completely useless, if you don’t give us the possibility to understand where the place is by providing a link to the place in Google Maps and a description of what you are sharing and why you think this can be interesting for us. Dropping a photo with just a title is not exactly the best way to create an engaging content. We are not Instagram.
But you are not welcome if you comes here to insult people like @Shaunak that is just trying to understand what you are posting, and based on your photo is suggesting you a different category.
Kindly review your contents

Thank you