Just my little corner of the world

After you’ve lived in a place for 30 years and are the kind of person who likes to explore EVERY (yes, every) new place to eat in the city and enjoys sharing those places with new people and good friends, you get really good at picking the best places to eat and hang out. You start to hone your “everything list” to just the best places for cheap eats, for a burger, for an exciting experience. As my city grows and so does it’s social scene - I really enjoy being the person that makes a once blank map of a developing country blossom into a full blown city with incredible, fun things to do. The best part? When you’re hanging out with your friends and someone sitting at the next table that happens to be a new visitor to the city opens up Google Maps and is excitedly exclaims out loud all the places there are to explore and eat and his surprise at how detailed the map is “even in this part of the world” and you know you were partly responsible for making that happen :slight_smile: