I’m excited to be a part of the community and I just reached over 6 million views, a pin from Google and my 5 year badge. I look forward to continuing to be a part of the community and keep adding to make it a better place for everyone!
Hello @BStalcup ,
Welcome to Connect!
Congratulations on your achievement!
I am going to move your post to the Achievements section, the place where Local Guides share their achievements related to Connect and Google Maps.
Since you are new on Connect, I suggest you go through the following articles: Your guide to Connect and 14 helpful tips for using Connect. Furthermore, don’t forget to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself - July 2021 thread.
Thank You for doing that I have looked over the information but it has been a whilesince I have. I need to be more active in the communitychat and will do so in the future @BorrisS