I just got a new badge, That is New Connector. Thanks to ‘Google Local Guides Team’. Really, It’s something special for me.
What about yours?
I just got a new badge, That is New Connector. Thanks to ‘Google Local Guides Team’. Really, It’s something special for me.
@Designer_Biswajit dada, Congratulations
I also earned this badge a while ago.
Caption: screenshot of new connector bags
Wow, great @AbdusSattar vai,
Thanks for sharing with us.
Congrats DaDa @Designer_Biswajit
How to get this badge? Is that when you creating meetup on google maps meetup?
যারা মিনিমাম একটি মিটাপ হোস্ট করেছে, তারা এই ব্যাজ পেয়েছে। যারা ৫টি মিটাপ পোস্ট করেছে তারা দুইটি ব্যাজ পেয়েছে।
Congratulation to you .Take care.
দাদা আমিও পেয়েছি।
Congratulations @Designer_Biswajit dada…Go ahead…
Thanks a lot @TanvirAhmed05 and @Shatu vai
Congratulations @Bishnu_Modhu dada
wow… @Designer_Biswajit dada…that great to know. Fortunately I have attended that meetup!!!
Great to see you get this nice badge, I also get one. Thanks for sharing with us @Designer_Biswajit
Thanks for attending brother.
Congratulations you too.
Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to arranging some meetups.
Congratulations on the first meet up and also the badge @Designer_Biswajit
The first step is the most important and nine to see that you have taken the first step.
~Greetings from New Delhi
Thank you so much @TusharSuradkar brother.
@Designer_Biswajit Congratulations
Dada. Best of luck!
thanks a lot @OmarBD vai.
অনেক অভিনন্দন @Designer_Biswajit দাদা। এভাবেই এগিয়ে যান।
congratulation @Designer_Biswajit
congratulations dada @Designer_Biswajit