Just a random click from my smartphone πŸ˜‡

Hii, I am Alex John Halder from West Bengal, India. I took this image on one morning with my Samsung Galaxy S10E ultrawide camera. Gave some touchup edits :innocent: . Please Rate it.


Wow, nicely captured picture @AlexJohnHalder

Hello @AlexJohnHalder

That’s not a bad capture really thank you for sharing it with us. I use a Samsung as well, it does a good job for photos.

To make your photos and post even better, why not take a look at Posting on β€œPhotography” Board. Please also have a look also at How to tell a story through your photography.

Look forward to reading more quality posts from you, pleased to meet you and happy guiding.


Thank you :innocent: :innocent:

Thanks a lot for sharing your opinion :grinning: