Join Our Tree Challenge

Hi my dear friends
Please share your best tree’s photo that you shot in your trips.
and tell us location of your photo’s name.

Location: Kerman, Iran

Best Regards


@Rezgar wrote:

Hi my dear friends
Please share your best tree’s photo that you shot in your trips.
and tell us location of your photo’s name.

Location: Kerman, Iran
Best Regards

I can’t decide which one is the best. Please find the link mention below and the best one,


Thank you


Thank you for sharing @deepakjhic

Best Regards

A photo from a tree with the 700 years old.
If you want to get more information from this tree, please read here

Best Regards

Hi to all
Please participate in this challenge.

Best Regards

Hi @Rezgar Thanks for initiating this fun and interesting thread. So many tree photos so I’ll just select two of my favorites. The first one taken during the autumn in Paramus, Nj. The bottom photo in northern Minnesota.



Wao @Koby ,

Nice thank you for sharing with us.

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Hi @Rezgar There is one additional tree photo that I would like to submit. The photo was taken when I was visiting my son in Oakland, California. It is a photo of my son and I in front of a giant Redwood, in Redwood Regional Park, just a few miles east of Oakland, California. The park contains the largest, still remaining stand of coastal redwood found in the region. The trees can live longer than 2,000 years, however 500 to 1,000 years is the average age. I am not sure of the age of the tree we are standing in front of, but it was huge.

Regards, @Koby @deepakjhic

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Thank you for sharing @Koby

Best Regards

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Wow @Koby

So amazing

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I notice that this thread is showing as being in “General Discussion”. However, with the new format for Connect there is no longer a category listed as “General Discussion”. I would suggest then, that this thread should be moved to “Photography” where others would have the opportunity to view it. I’m not sure who/how this is done, but if you agree, perhaps one of you knows how to do this or what moderator to contact. I do see there is a General Discussion category still out there, but no easy way to reach it as it’s not on the list of available categories.

Regards, Koby

@Rezgar @deepakjhic @PaulPavlinovich

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Hi @Koby there is only one forum now “General Discussion” - posts are now shown by in subject areas by Topic, the poster chooses their Topic when they make the post. This replaces the old concept of forums.

The old content is still where it was but all new content goes into the one forum physically.

This is a much simpler and more modern paradigm allowing more flexibility for new topics in the future.

Regards Paul


Hi @PaulPavlinovich and many thanks for responding. I just discovered that from a comment in another thread that the “Local Stories” topic has replaced the “General Discussion” topic. I tagged you in that thread and asked if you would let us know if that was officially the case. That wasn’t quite clear to me in your response. Thanks for your efforts, Regards, Koby

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Hi @Koby all new posts go into General Discussion with a Topic. The Topic governs how the posts are seen. This replaces the old boards.

Regards Paul

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Hi @Koby and @PaulPavlinovich
I agree with you, I suggest that merge " General Discussion " to one of the new Boards.

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Hi @Rezgar @Koby General Discussion is really the only public board now :slight_smile:

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Hi @Rezgar ,

That’s a great challenge. Trees are magnificently beautiful.

I’ll give this thread a Photography label in order for it to be more visible.

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That’s right Dear @PaulPavlinovich

Thank you for your attention, my dear friend, @IrrPavlova

Best Regards

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