In December last year i visited Luwu Timur in East Indonesia to do site survey. My work trip for 3 days but i finished my work just in 2 days. My last day i got nothing to do. I woke up and went out for running.
After finished 5K, i was searching recommendation on google maps what i can explore nearby. I found this Japanese ship wreck located just 300 meter where i was standing. My curiosity was killing me so i went there.
At first i think this place like monumental place from local government but sadly it is not. This wreck half located inside river Malili. Side of the river full of local neighborhood. People using this ship for washing their clothes and kids to play. The ship wreck is rusty and full of vandalism. There was no sign of maintenance from government or banner to attract tourism to visit. This historical memento will destroyed and vanished in no time
There was no one to ask about but there’s information from
Malili river was famous used for logging transportation from Nissan Nori, a Japanese Trade Ally during WW2. It was Sunday in 1939. This ship hidden at Malili River covered with leaves and wood. The Allied was able to detect this Japanese ship. Amir (historical witness) recalled that he heard three times big blast to the ship until it was sinking to the bottom of the river. It was 8 decades ago but we still can see part of stern, deck and the pole.
Balantang Port located near this place. That port used by famous mining company in South Sulawesi. I hope government or CSR from that company will maintain this historical memento.
I just saw video on youtube from vloger from makassar.
So he take picture two different number from the wall of vessel.
Local villager claims this from japan logistic vessel.
In my opinion,maybe this vessel are not japan naval fleet in WW2.
I hope someone can explain the real stories about this ship. And Local Government in Luwu Timur cq. Department of Culture and Tourism can excavation or something to protect the relics.
Best regards from east borneo.
ps.My Wife and Daughter live in Bonebone. Luwu Utara.
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